Based on a true story?

Do wot?

"That, - Captain Bligh, - that is the thing; - I am in hell, sir - I am in hell."


Yeah, they are just using that as an advertisment. This movie is no more based on a true story then those sci-fi horror movies you see about big foot starring Lance Henriksen.


Actually, it IS "based on a true story" in the sense that sigthing of a 'man-beast' along Bray Road are a local Wisconsin legend. The blood, guts, and killings are all fiction, of course.


Like I said, no more based on a true story than the sci-fi channel bigfoot movies..


Actually it's even less based on a true story than all that. Bigfoot has never been dispelled. This was a big dog.


Well I live in Milwaukee,wi and I can tell you its based losely on a werewolf sited in Walworth County. i remember seeing it on the news. Some kid saw something chewing on a rabbit. Said it was a big wolf standing on two legs. And that was it. So who really knows.


im down in central IL! i have never heard of this legend until i just watched this film on sci-fi. very cool *beep* i LOVE werewolves!!!!


The Beast of Bray Road, so called after a country road east of Elkhorn in Walworth County, was first reported by a night watchman name of Mark Shackelman in Jefferson County in 1936. The sightings have continued to this day. Sometimes referred to as the Bluff Monster, it is often referred to as a werewolf. Cryptozoologists speculate that it is a Bigfoot. There have been many sightings over the years, most of them from reliable witnesses. One such man was Marvin Kirschnik, who produced a drawing of the thing from his sighting of it on Highway 11 near Bray Road. It was widely published when he finally came forward several years ago.


I like how the Cryptozoologist speculate the fictional monster is actually another fictional monster.


I live just east of where this takes place in Racine Wisconsin.

Let's put a smile on that face Hehehahahaha!


There's no proof that there was a werewolf.

"There's me
Looking down at my shoes
The one smiling like the sun
That's you"


Exactly. All the eyewitness accounts were from people who saw an unknown creature. One witness said "If there are such things as werewolves, this could have been it." From there the media basically created the entire Werewolf story.


I lived in Waukesha County and my brother is a police officer in Walworth county. These stories are just bunk. If Id thought there was a werewolf in Wisconsin, Id pick the north western area.


My sisters best friend said to see it last summer on 83rd street in Salem just west of 216th avenue. She saw it on her way home from work. She said it was about seven feet tall while eating road kill with it's palms up. My friends and I have a friend in elkhorn near Brey road who let us camp out in his barn with raw meat up on stakes around the yard but no luck that night.
