MovieChat Forums > After... (2006) Discussion > Watch the research doc instead

Watch the research doc instead

Having just watched the trailer i have to say it looks complete tosh - characters look over macho, extreme soprts junkie types. UE isn't about that. its not about being flashy, staring death in the face every ten minutes and running around like a loon.

The research documentary on the website is much better although it looks a little bit staged. They should have made the whole film like this. made it look real with only the explorers cameras. Yes its been done before with BLAIR WITCH PROJECT but so what it works when applied to the right kind of story and i think this would have been great.

'be sure to drink your ovaltine'


I agree! The WAY over shaky cams made me sea sick for real. It was as if they thought it was the only way to make the film look real or quasi documentary or whatever...
