Favorite episode?

I've just finished watching Season 1 on DVD and the final episode of the season had me laughing so hard! The one where Christine is helping at the spring fair at Ritchie's school and Burton turns up with his new GF who was also called Christine. Just so many funny moments in that episode, I literally had tears streaming down my face!

What everyone else's fave?


I love "Between A Rock and A Hard Place" where Christine has a meltdown while climbing a rock wall. Matthew has to leave his therapy session to climb up the wall and help her. The physical positions Christine and Matthew accidentally fall into are hilarious!

I also love "House" where Christine tries to be like Oprah and "give back" to the universe by accepting Richard and Christine's new dream house, but she ends up having another meltdown. The second half of that episode where old Christine tries to do things like new Christine (no TV, build a bunk bed for Ritchie, cook for the family, etc) is hysterical.

My dad's favorite, which has also become one of mine, is "One and A Half Men" where Christine thinks she might be going through menopause and tries some of Barb's cream, which turns out to be a male hormone and ends up making Christine a lot more manly.


Sleepless in Mar Vista


When Old Christine takes a cranky New Christine to a spa to get "dolled up;" Old Christine wants to look good for when she sees Pappa Jeff (receptionist at spa, "I've got 10 revenge makeovers ahead of you.") Then, of course, it all goes downhill from there.


I love a lot of them but the first one was Bahamian Rhapsody. When Christine comes in and screams BARB!! I crack up every time.

I've also started to love Come to Papa Jeff especially the scene where they map out there future.

My mom loves Frasier just because of the scene "you're a pig!". That's also on my list of favorites.


I love Sleepless in Mar Vista as well. Basically all of season 2 was fantastic to me though.


"Sleepless In Mar Vista"

"Snakes on a Date"



Sleepless in Mar Vista is my all time fav. When she has that little attack on Matthew I crack up everytime. I've rewatched season 2 at least 5 times haha.

Also can't remember the ep I think it was somewhere in s5 but the lights go out in the gym and Christine has a freak out. She says something like Oh i'm blind, and i'm pregnant and i'm dying. LOL gets me everytime.


I just saw The Real Thing again and I have to add it to my list.Christine's date with Tom/Todd. Nearly getting Mr Harris fired with her careless e-mail and Barb and Matthew and Barb grossed out by the birth video while Richard eats popcorn .The episode is a scream from start to finish!



This is one of my favorites as well.

Barb: "This is for Ben and Christine!!!"
Christine: "Claire, Claire!!!!"
Barb: "Claire and Christine!!! That's what I'm talking about!!!"



I love this show. I've only seen maybe 4-5 episodes, buy all of them have been pretty funny. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is just hilarious. I'll have to see if they have it on Netflix. I definitely want to watch all the episodes.

Movies I've Seen In 2013

Hansel & Gretel: WH
The Last Stand
G.I. Joe: R
Oz: TGaP


The one where Christine had to go apologize to Frank N. Stein. Hysterical. Especially all the misunderstandings with Barb going up there to Frances's house...LOL. And the last line..."just remember i know where your little dog lives...." from Barb. Classic Wanda Sykes! And Christine bullying Richard and Matthew....Classic.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...



Playdate with Destiny (Christine kissing Barb at the fundraiser when Mr. Harris comes around) is a favorite. Ritchie Scores, Crash, Some of My Best Friends are Portuguese, Happy Endings, lots more. I love this show

"It's hard for me to watch American Idol because I have perfect pitch."
-Jenna, 30 Rock


A mix between the episode of Christine trying to get Frankenstein to accept her apology and the one of Christine forbidding Barn and Matthew from dating.

I love you, Kristen Stewart. :) You are so beautiful and talented. I would love to perform with you.
