New Christine

Did anyone else disliked this character? I didn't like her at all, aside from her being younger I didn't see any special qualities. Old Christine on the other hand was funny, quirky, and cute. I love old Christine and Richard and wanted them to be together.


That was basically the point of the show - New Christine served a purpose though, which was being practically the opposite of Old Christine. I love Christine's character too, but there's a fine line between one being 'quirky' vs someone who is neurotic and scatterbrained. It had to be believable that she and Richard drove each other crazy in their marriage, but do well as platoon friends (besides, the dynamics of the show would have been completely different had she and Richard remained together). I certainly didn't dislike New Christine - she was just a bit boring/plain, as compared to Old Christine. And that's probably why Richard was attracted to her.
