This show is gross

The suspporting actors are fine, even good. Wanda, Gregg, even the kid who plays her son is okay.

Dreyfeus is just nasty on this show. The discussion about incest, the digging in her privates to find a missing joint, her drinking, her b.o. and over the top acting is just awful. She is more shook up than Michael J. Fox.

The jokes are recycled from ones that didn't make it into seinfeld and I think we know why now. Dreyfeus could've played this character better but choose not to. You can tell she is desperate for laughs and will make faces until she hears at least one chuckle but it's not worth it.

This show needed to be canceled and I'm glad it was.




I never saw this show until it was in syndication, since I work nights. I think it is very hit or miss. Some episodes are funny, some are terrible. I will agree on the incest thing, they play that into to many episodes that I've seen.


I think Dreyfyus' acting is great. It's comical acting with perfect timing. Plus, the show is hilarious. Funnier than Seinfeld, imo, where most of the jokes didn't come from the whini- I mean, shining star.

I do like Jerry, overall, but he's not all he's touted to be.


I would disagree that it's as good as Seinfeld, but I do think it's generally a pretty solid show after the first season. (And by the last one, things were getting a little strange.) Louis-Dreyfus is one hilarious person.

--celebrating my 12th year on imdb. woohoo!--



You must be a very stuffy older person. Please go watch Wayne Brady for some good clean fun


90's rule, everything else sucks, because it's not the 90's!

But seriously, I also don't understand the OP's criticism. How can the jokes be recycled if they didn't make it into Seinfeld?





"She is more shook up than Michael J. Fox."

If that's your idea of humor then I guess I'm not surprised you didn't enjoy the show.

--celebrating my 12th year on imdb. woohoo!--



"Vive la mort, vive la guerre, vive le sacre mercenaire."


who's michael j fox?? what does more shook up than he is mean?

RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


I'm not sure if your serious but Michael J.Fox is a well known actor with Parkingson disease.One of the affects of the disease is tremors.

Michael is best know for shows like Family Ties and Spin City.He also appears on The Good Wife on a recurring basis.He's about to start a new series.


I know exactly who Michael J. Fox is and I know very well what he's diagnoised with. My point is that even with his affliction he is a much, MUCH more better suttle actor than this one woman who seems to play characters who twich, shake and stutter. Julia Louise dreyfus has no talent, just a lot of money.



Hello, she wasn't replying to you !! She was clearly replying to the poster that asked who MJF was. Gesh.


You're kidding, right? Please tell me you're kidding.


What is it that Bette Midler used to say "screw them if they can't take a joke"? LOL
I agree that some jokes are borderline, but they are always funny and it's not like this is a reality show, it's a sitcom people, lighten up.
Dreyfus is one of the funniest comics every.


Agree....hate this show. My kids watch it in reruns and it nauseates me. It is NOT funny. The episode where Cristina had a FIT because Ritchie went to church just clinched it for me.


I like the show, but the writers did make Christine too gross at times.

Example: the episode where everyone keeps saying that her couch smells like farts. Sounds like something you'd hear in "Jackass."

But it's a little weird to picture Christine sitting on the couch blasting out stinkbombs so bad that the smell stays in the couch cushions. Gross.


Did you even watch the whole episode? If you did, you should know why she didn't want him to go to church.


Totally disagree,loved this show


It IS gross. That's what I love about it!
