Sucks we never got a proper finale

And never will :(

I would have loved seeing Christine at College / Second (third technically) wedding


I agree...

I just binge watched all 5 seasons and was quite disappointed that it ended so abruptly.

Bummer 😞

Here's to those who wish me well...


I just don't like the fact that she ended up with Max. It seemed to come together too fast, I didn't find his character very interesting, and don't think Eric McCormick was good in the role. There seemed to zero chemistry between them. Just IMO.

My date last night was awful. And then he wouldn't even spend the night.


The way EVERyone LOVVEEEDD Mr. Harris; I wanted to see something on that?

It was so hilarious how everyone was so infatuated with him. I'm giggling thinking about some of the scenes now.
