The worst part...

is when the brides are absolute gorillas. Why aren't they more humble and grateful to have someone who wants to be with such a nasty obese animal?


None of the women on this show are going to be walking a VS runway anytime soon, lol. Just like the less fat ones, the obese women aren't going to humble themselves because they a)are most likely narcissistic and b)know there's going to be some push over so desperate for companionship and a cat that they'll take such abuse.


This season's bridezillas is very disappointing. Why in the world would the TV producer select the bridezillas who really need to go on Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, or Nutri System. Those overweight bridezillas really need to put themselves on a diet instead of insulting their in-laws, bridesmaid, relatives, and future husband about their big day.


It's the entire point of this season. Have you heard the narration? She calls them "bovine" and other lovely terms. There are also "boom boom boom" sound effects added in many cases where they're walking! LOL

I just think that for their relatively young ages, the brides - especially the white girls - look like they've been ridden hard and hung out to dry. They appear 20 years older than their actual ages.

Brides can be large and lovely and loving... This show purposely seeks out (and enhances the scripts for) the loud and physically violent/verbally abusive big girls for entertainment value.

And now for something completely different...
