MovieChat Forums > Bridezillas (2006) Discussion > Are you sick of reality tv?

Are you sick of reality tv?

I know I am...and as a result, I have stopped watching reality shows. It's cheap pandering and hollywood is making a mint on producing shows with low overhead. How bout we make them work for their money and start making shows with value. Now Im not saying all shows on tv are crap right now...but the majority are. I for one will not be watching any reality shows that celebrate people with bad attitudes who are making money for doing nothing. This includes: The Real Housewives of anywhere, Bridezillas, anything to do with a Kardashian or a Gosselin, Celebrity Rehab, Jersey Shore, Teen Mom...etc etc etc. I hope that many of you reading this will agree and boycott these shows that have no redeeming value. I would like to see quality programming return to tv. How bout you?


Well, I've always hated them... Dating back to 2000-ish when Survivor started the craze...
