The Book

Had to study the book for English this year (Go Bendigo WOO) and even though everyone seems the book sucked, I really liked it, possibly one of the best I've read this year (though I don't read much). How did everyone else feel about the book?


The film and the book are amazing.


I love both the movie and the book. The book delved deeper into the different relationships and gave you the history of the characters. It was interesting to see how hard a childhood Romulus had had and how that shaped him as a man and father. Also, the book allowed you to learn about the rest of Raymond's growing up and answered questions I had over what happened to his half-sister, did Romulus marry again, etc. I found the ending very emotional - Raymond's love for his father is so alive in this book - you can feel this more so in the book than in the movie obviously which is why I would say my preference goes to the book.


The book was certainly better. The film managed to make a relatively simple tale needlessly difficult to follow and was surprising flat emotionally.

It's probably worth stating that the book's a fairly concise volume too, so one can quite literally choose between a night in with the book vs. a night in with the film.


Can you share what did happen to Susan? And who/when did Romulus marry (and was it a happy marriage)?

[The film was "emotionally flat?" Hardly! Although I suppose if I read the book first I might understand that relative statement more...]
