This movie is FABULOUS.

Well, I watched it at Bangkok.

This movie is MASTERPIECE.

The story and screenplay suit perfectly with the movie TITLE and TAGLINE.

Invisible Waves: Kam-Pipaksa Khong MahaSamutt (means Judgment of the Sea)

The emotion of the movie is really great.

I want to see it again and again and again and again...



When I first saw it at the Berlin Film Festival this year, I was disappointed (though I liked it). Maybe this was due to different expectations, and to me sitting in the 2nd row of a *beep* huge theater.
I think if I could see the film again now, I'd probably share your opinion :-)
Definitely a must-see!



The most pretentious film of the year...
That's the clostest idea to thonk about this movie


How do you mean pretentious? I'm very interested in this because I'm often at a loss trying to figure out what a "pretentious" film is. I know what a pretentious person is, but a film?... do you mean it's not as good as the filmmakers said it was?... Does it have not meaning at all, is it pointless?... Does it make sense to say post-modern cinema is "pretentious"?... I really don't get it.

I'm about to watch this so I'd like to know.

Last film watched:
Blood Diamond by Edward Zwick - 7/10


Tyler, surely you jest. You've never seen a pretentious film? It's pretty much the same as a pretentious person. It's a film characterized by an exaggerated assumption of dignity or importance. To say a film is pretentious is a personal opinion, no doubt... but it's frequently a valid one. Of course, no filmmaker sets out to make a pretentious film. And sometimes it truly is not. Many people have said that Woody Allen's Interiors is a pretentious film... but it's one of my favorites. I don't find it pretentious at all.


I jest not, my friend. Many people say the films I enjoy are "pretentious" and I fail to understand why, at least objectively.

For example, many people come in IMDb and say Ingmar Bergman's films are pretentious, and I can't even start to understand why. To be pretentious, something or someone needs to pretend it is something it really is not. Now, how can an Ingmar Bergman film, made with a low budget, a film full of interesting and meaningful ideas, great work by all people involved, be "pretentious"? What I'm asking is, how can something that succeeds in doing what it tries to do, be "pretentious"?

As people start explaining their reasons for the film being pretentious, I give up even answering, since their ignorance on what the medium of film is is simply overwhelming.

As for this film, which I haven't seen yet, I was really asking. I will post my thoughts on this film after watching it.

However, some people compare this to Wong Kar Wai. Another good example. Just like old Godard, Wong Kar Wai is the least pretentious filmmaker there is - his films try to be no more than that which they are.

This type of claims ("it's a pretentious film") are often so subjective and lacking information and knowledge that they can't even be taken into account, they often turn into displays of ignorance. Just because you didn't like it or understand it, it doesn't mean it's pretentious. It means you didn't like it or understand it.

The thing is, most great artists who go down in History start out as "pretentious". Would you say Mozart was pretentious? Would you say Picasso was pretentious? Or Salvador Dalí? I wouldn't either, but many did say they were back in their time.

The only pretentious films I ever watched are all Hollywood blockbusters. Why? Because you have this amazing advertising campaign in which they spend more money then on the actual film, and then you go watch it and it's meaningless and lacking any creativity. It's there for you to pay the ticket and chew pop corn at. There's a promise of something awesome, and then it's another one and a half hours of clichés. Now that's pretentious. And I have nothing against Hollywood or blockbusters, I'm actually a consumer, but there are some that leave me cold and wondering where the hell did good old classic Hollywood go (kudos for Scorsese for trying...)

And finally, I would say that often times the most pretentious thing is to say a film is pretentious when you clearly did not understand what it tried to convey. It's ok not to like it, but you can't really say it's pretentious just because you didn't like or understand it.

I don't enjoy or understand Quantum physics, but I'm not saying it's pretentious.

"Quantum physics tries to explain the behavior of even smaller particles. These particles are things like electrons, protons, and neutrons. Quantum physics even describes the particles which make these particles! That's right; the model of an atom that you were taught in high-school is wrong. The electrons don't orbit like planets; they form blurred clouds of probabilities around the nucleus. Protons and neutrons? They're each made of three quarks, each with its own 'flavor' and one of three 'colors'. Lets not forget the gluons, the even smaller particles that hold this mess together when they collect and form glueballs (not a very original name). Why weren't you told about this already? Were you fluent in calculus when you took general chemistry? The quantum model of the atom is much more complex than the traditional model, so most teachers save that stuff for college. (But this doesn't mean that you can't have a basic understanding and impress your friends!) The reason that quantum physics needs complex math to explain the behaviors and properties of small particles is that the world of these subatomic particles is a very bizarre one, filled with quantum probabilities and organized chaos."

Now, would you say that is pretentious?

Last film watched:
Blood Diamond by Edward Zwick - 7/10


Wow! I've printed all that out to show friends. You are one heck of a writer! Very valid points, as well. And it certainly sounds like to me you DO understand Quantam physics!


well, it's my take the subject. If you don't like it, don't read my posts. Maybe they're pretentious

Last film watched:
Infernal Affairs by Wai Keung Lau
and Siu Fai Mak - 6/10


But I do like it! And I do read them. You're not pretentious (I think you might be a little crazy sometimes, LOL, but certainly not pretentious!) LOL


Last film watched:
Infernal Affairs by Wai Keung Lau
and Siu Fai Mak - 6/10


Well, I've watched the film now. It's not pretentious. Boring and pointless, maybe, but not pretentious

Last film watched:
Invisible Waves by Pen-Ek Ratanaruang - 5/10


What a post!

I've always had the notion that most of those who claimed a film to be 'pretentious' hardly knew what the term actually meant. A lot of art films from around the world are regularly claimed to be 'pretentious', but looking at it from a different perspective, maybe the viewer doesn't fancy art films and still attempts at one knowing what it exactly is?

The other term that is usually associated to such films is 'boring', a lot of art films made by auteurs don't bother entertaining more than expressing their artistic freedom, so what was the viewer expecting?

Understanding a film as you mentioned is one dimension. Getting into the tone of film is another. Minimalist and Realist films don't have a lot happening in the way of a standard plot based Hollywood style narrative, they can be very subtle. Just because one cannot get into its tone or one expects the pacing to be standard doesn't mean a film by itself can be 'boring'. I can illustrate my point with the same Quantum Physics example - Just because some are unable to get into the topic and may claim it to be 'boring' doesn't mean that Quantum Physics by itself is actually boring. It may well be interesting to those who can get into it. The usage of 'boring' with reference to films is as subjective and lacking information as the usage of 'pretentious'.

The purpose of atmosphere/tone, plot, techniques (settings/photography/music/performances) and other elements of film is to add value to the overall product. There is no fixed rule that any film should have a definitive quantity of each element as long as the film adds good value in terms of one or more of aesthetics/intellect/human emotions.


I just finished watching it and I gotta say that it was amazing! Very slow-paced movie but that just adds up to the atmosphere.
Christopher Doyle always great with the cinematography although not as dramatic as his other works but it suited perfectly to the feeling that the movie was conveying.
This movie definitely worked for me!


'Re: This movie is FABULOUS.'

...agreed! loved every second of it..!


It's far from being a fabulous movie. I enjoyed it to some extent, though.

IMO it doesn't deserves a rating above 7.0


I liked it also.

Chileans soon accepted Chile as Hell, of course, they are real patriots


It's really good, I was kinda iffy about it while watching it but near the end it all clicks. I posted a review of it giving it an 8/10.
