Wahid Hamid

As usual Wahid Hamid is making fun of the audience by showing half the truth without telling the whole truth which makes the movie unrealistic, Wahid Hamid stereotyping the Muslims with beards as tourists which is not true, even Americans don't do this kind of lies in their movies like Syriana and Paradise now, it's a Shame that you give this image about Muslims without giving the good one too, as for Mohamed Yassine very poor scene except for the fight scene between Amr Waked and Abd El Moughney, the art direction was pretty cool in the ghetto and all the other locations was out of taste of the 90s the styling wasn't bad for all the characters except for Mona Zaki in casual the lightning was the one of the best things in the movie for acting it was really poor for stars like Yousra, Nour el Shereief and as usual Mona Zaki with no creative acting, Salah Abd ALLAH and Amr Waked were great you feel that they got them from another movie a good start for the new up comer Abd El Moughney the dialogue of Nour el Sherief was very unrealistic and boring in the ending scene. Just great real
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Although I haven't seen the movie, your comments sound logical.


I didn't like the movie either
it pretend to be serious while it's shallow!

but I have 2 notes
* I may have missed something in your comment, but Paradise Now is Palestinian and not American
* a technical question: how can someone "delete or edit" YOUR comment? I am curious

The world doesn't just disappear when you close your eyes, does it?


Regarding Paradise now, its an Co Production with several contries like USA, France,Geramany, Netherlands and even Israel, for deleting or editin you cooment i dont know really
