
NBC has officially cancelled this crap-fest


We can all rejoice now. Or just go on not caring.


I wondered, they still had commercials for it on radio and tv this week, but it was just another Will and Grace episode.

Although i personally think Will and Grace was worse than Four Kings. I watched a few eps, and I barely laughed.

"I am the Taco King!"


thats a good news ..

They should make more two seasons of will & grace cuz it is the best sitcom ever .


I disagree, I enjoyed this show. It was hilarious, why did they cancel it?


more then likely poor ratings


did somebody really just say will and grace is the best sitcom ever??? oh man.

Your pretty face don't match that nasty attitude


Yes someone did, and they need to get out more often. Or at least watch something besides W+G.

To Kanye West: "Holla 'He ain't Jesus!' He ain't Jesus!"


i agree i really enjoyed the show it was funny and wrong at the same time!


Its Oppinion! (sp) (i can never spell that word) and if you dont like it, then DONT COME AND TALK ABOUT IT!


Are you talking to me? I'll come back and talk about it all day long, baby. Its my opinion that will and grace is one of the worst sitcoms ever, so there's mine. Whats wrong with that?

Your pretty face don't match that nasty attitude


Four Kings was asome. It was one of the best shows on tv


four kings was actually a sit com that made me laugh.
i hated friends.
couldnt stand any of them.

and untill you watch a few episodes of will and grace don't judge it.

unless your a stupid homophobe.
then go jump off a cliff. kthxbye.


Are you telling me I have never seen it? Why do you think I'm bashing it? I've seen more then a few episodes from the first few seasons because my girlfriend USED to like it.. and sometimes I come across newer ones on tv that I might watch 2-4 minutes of and its just horrible. Stupid gay jokes that you see coming from miles and miles and miles away. And of course they crank up their laugh box to full capacity to make it sound like the funniest *beep* ever on tv.

Your pretty face don't match that nasty attitude


W&G used to be funny, all the way up until Leo(around '02'). And friends (in my opinion) was funny for ten years straight...most of my friends hated it or didn't understand it, but I think thats just becasue they're black (as am i), and didn't care to see "A bunch-a white people sittin' in a coffee shop." I quite enjoyed it, however. As for For 'Four Kings',...that show sucked, and sucked was just a lazy attempt by the W&G writers to put "gay jokes" back on the map. Like in that episode where the guys (sorry didn't care 2 learn their names) thought other guy was gay.

"You unimaginable bastard..." "..." hack...splat-Rose DeWitt-Dawson


This show r0x and I don't really know why it was cancelled. Earl is also good, but Four Kings are just...awesome ;)

All your base are belong to us. There is no mainstream.


I braved my way through the first episodes, but it felt to me like the show was starting to gain some momentum. NBC was going to have to revamp their Thursdays anyway and now all they'll have for next year is Earl and The Office. More than likely they are going to put each of them on the hour and whatever newbie comedy they put inbetween them will probably be awful and it will make me wish even more that they didn't cancel Four Kings.


Bummer. I thought it was pretty hilarous. Oh well, I got kicks out of the first few episodes. But there are still good NBC shows on like "Conviction".

