
I found it interesting how much of the same 'reasoning' was used in deciding to destroy Dresden as was given as the justification for the US to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and then Nagasaki.

Although the historical narrative on our government's (oops, I mean Truman's and Henry Stimson's) decision to drop the bomb has changed over the past 10 years so that more people are aware of the military leaders' opposition (among other troubling facts), it's still common to hear the same line that was fed every history student for about 50 years after the war: "It was necessary to save more lives." Although it's pretty hard to argue for the necessity of Nagasaki's bombing even if you want to support Hiroshima's destruction.

In spite of all the criticism (some of which I agree with), I thought the film did a really commendable job at showing more than one side of the situation. To me, it seemed less concerned with pointing fingers or justifying anyone than it was with 1) being an anti-war movie and 2) remembering those who lost their lives, homes, families, and city in the firebombing. I appreciated that the showed a few interviews with survivors on the DVD. Interesting that Woll's great-aunt was a survivor herself.

Also thought they did a great job portraying the Jewish Germans who were still trying to live their lives in their homes, particularly those who had married non-Jews. I found Maria and Simon's subplot much more compelling than the main romance.


Apart from the great number of casualties the 2nd world war has denamded on both sides. A big loss was comitted on the cultural side when many cities, especially Russian and German were destroyed in bombing raids. I fell in love with German architecture and morn for the times behind there the German cities were still great and prestigious.


The justification for the bombing of Dresden had very little in common with the justification for the US to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The intent of the the A bombings was to end the war ASAP ... which it did (less than a week). This was never the intention of the bombing of Dresden.

The total dead for Hiroshima and Nagasaki is 129,000 to 246,000. The total dead in Dresden 25,000.

It cannot be denied that the Japanese were prepping to defend their homeland to the very last man and woman and child. This siege could have easy caused more than a million deaths between civilian and military.
