Obscure 2?

Ok I loved, loved, loved this game. I'm not one for games but I love teen horror movies and after reading that this was one of the first games to involve the teen horror genre I bought it asap!

The thing I loved about this is that it's fun to play, has a great reply value, isn't mind frying like most games and it's just basically a short but sweet game.

So anyway I'm dying for a sequel and I heard apparently there is suppose to be one of the way but typically all the pages talking about the sequel are in French! So does anybody know anything about Obscure 2? I hear Hydravision has some kind of 'secret game' in development? Fingers crossed it's Obscure 2!

If they do make a sequel though I hope they keep the original characters and follow them through like college or something instead of handing up new characters, new story, new everything like the Silent Hill games or something.


dunno but i hope they make more co op games coz they rock at that *beep*
but if they sequel it they should add some sex scenes between shannon and ashley. (or josh...the little emo nerd.) nah who am i kiddin, the creators are french, of course itll be ashley!

nah jokes. i loved the game. maybe they should make a movie. and a sequel should have friendly fire. or wall covering hahaha. ooh and uzis and leather coats. and josh should fiish that farken fringe. and shannon should wear less clothes. and ashley should go insane and kil kenny

thats another thing...whats with the southpark names? stan, kenny, mr garrison!?!?!?!
um yeah im reli high on sugar so im overtalking oki doki im leaving now, off to play obscure because of you..dammit! wait, thats a god thing...ummm, ah..tata



I would like to see a sequel but sorry blonde 800 but i think they would have to use new characters because the main characters could die at any time (which was wicked unique and something i'd like to see again). So if they kept the main characters from the first one it would be a little messed up. I'd like to see some changes though.

1. More characters because when i played the first one and someone died in the beggining i felt limited (cause u don't find Kenny till half-way through)

2. More settings (if they can work with that)

3. Longer game because it takes about a weekend to beat.

4. Tougher gameplay, I thought that on normal mode the game was too easy, and u had too much ammo (who keeps guns and ammo all over a high-schoo anyway)

But I did LOVE obscure and i'd kill 4 a sequal


I'm still curious to know what this 'secret game' Hydravision has in development is.

"Nobody Bitch Slaps Brenda!"
Brenda Meeks (Scary Movie 4)


they could depend the start iof the sequal on what you ending was eg how many characters were alive if you have a game save for the first 1 and if you dont you get a while new start

Dean:House rules sammy, Driver picks the music shotgun shuts his cakehole


greaver7 is right about the fact that a sequel will need new characters because any character in the game could die and be gone for the rest of the game. But i am so excited about news of a possible sequel hopefully it will be longer and have a larger group of characters and perhaps you could have more than just two people at a time so you could have your entire group on the move.

