Gabbie's Grandparents

I am just watching this from netflix and I about cried when it came to the part about her grandparents. I just love the fact that an older religious couple were the first to accept her. When she was talking about how accepting they were and her granddad said "That's what religion is" (not sure if that is exact) I thought about how beautiful that was.


Seems like the M to F had more accepting families, just my feeling. Gabbie was probably in the best situation of all of them. Raci I think had the most difficult time financially even though she passed the best.


I didn't get the part where after her granma tells the church ladies about gabbie and they seem all into it and accepting and then the granma walks away and they are all like, what did she say? etc.

Were the makers of the program insinuating that the church ladies were just being polite, or what?

