MovieChat Forums > The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2007) Discussion > Using headphones while watching this mov...

Using headphones while watching this movie makes a difference.

I originally watched this movie on my TV and had a hard time understanding it.
I just watched it again on my computer using headphones and the English subtitles. It made a big difference. This is really an excellent movie.


It is a pretty good movie, change of pace for a director who - before this - mainly did films set in and around working class scotland.

Also I would like to point out that people tend to forget the huge contextual difference between the 1968-1998 Northern Ireland conflict (or "troubles" if you will) and the Independence War.



Watching the film with subtitles AND headphones...

What an EXCELLENT idea :)

I did like this movie, but will have to try this next viewing because some of the dialogue was difficult for me to hear/understand.

Thanks for the tip!

"I can't stand a naked light bulb, any more than..a rude remark or a vulgar action" Blanche DuBois


Yes, I know what you mean. I saw it again without subtitles recently here in NZ and I struggled to understand it at times.

Funny thing is, I saw the movie in Cork when it was screening at the cinema and I understood it perfectly. I was living in that wonderful country at the time so maybe the language rubbed off on me for a while. Or maybe it was just louder at the movie theatre??
Anyways, subtitles are a good idea now :-)


The dialogue was difficult for me to understand as well. I felt bad. Ha. But I will go back and watch again.



I turned on the subtitles, because the dialog was difficult to understand at first, but my ears and brain ended up adjusting to it midway through, and I found myself not reading

I'm proud to say my poetry is only understood by that minority which is aware.


On repeated viewings, with no subtitles, this movie becomes very easy to understand and through watching it so many times I feel like I have developed a solid ear for that Cork Irish accent which is kinda cool. I can do the accent pretty well myself now heh. But I do remember that first time be taken aback. It's such a strange sounding accent in the English language to most. But I think it's awesome.
