
..recruiting through sci-fi "movies" now?
This was more disturbing than a Nazi propaganda-film from WWII.


Fanatics. Go and watch the "Jesus Camp" Documentary and se how truly brainwashed these people really are!!! As for the movie, its sucked @ss


I'm happy to see that this director, Rich Christiano has developed a screenplay pertaining to ths phenomenon. The subject matter is extremely real and in fact very sinister. I myself have been working on a documentary regarding the UFO phenomenon and exposing the works of the evil one. The phenomenon has been explained to us in the Holy Bible, only it has been coded up until now as we are in the end times. The documentary is still in the works, but will explain the phenomenon in full.

I can assure you, the abductions are real and very frightening to those who have experienced them. It all started as a curse placed by God the Father on Canaan's bloodline (Ham's son who had sex with his mother) and to those who choose not to believe in the Word of God. He will be using Satan and his minions (fallen angels, demons) as part of the judgements on man during the Tribulation period (just around the corner). In Revelation it speaks of a swarm of locusts come out for five months. By decoding Scripture through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we've found that the aliens (fallen angels or sons of God) are the locusts spoken of in Revelation. Yes, five months of abductions on a mass scale. Trust me, people will wish they had payed more attention to a film like this.

More info on decoding of Scripture here:


Is "Rich Christiano" the director's real name? It seems made up, as in Rich + Christ. "I am rich with Christ"?



Wow...gfilm1...are you for real??



lol man, you are delusional. Why don't you read, oh I don't know, a grade 3 science book. Seriously, UFO abductions are pretty well explained by dreams and sleep paralysis. there is no evidence of UFO abductions and your conclusions about them being Christian. I'm not trying to be preachy here or challenge your beliefs, although you did open the door for that with this comment, but you seem to be putting all your faith with some fringe guy who is more than just a Fundy Christian.


Gfilm1, why did god make you an idiot?


totally agree


It is his real name.

Jeffrey Lee Hollis


Thank you. It seemed to me a valid question. Names influence people’s lives, and vice versa.



He has a twin brother named Dave.


I found out about this movie through the showing of "Me and You, Us Forever" at the theatre I work at. This is even more atrocious than that piece of garbage is. We've now sold a total of SIX tickets and looking back at the box office numbers for this steaming pile of sh$# it doesn't suprise me. I mean, "Unidentified" only grossed $200,000. That's 1/3 of its budget. What an overwhelming failure.


Point of fact: UNIDENTIFIED is rapidly approaching profitability. It is a financial success.

Jeffrey Lee Hollis
