MovieChat Forums > Unidentified (2006) Discussion > RELIGION - DUMBING US DOWN???


First off I would like to say that I am orthodox and I believe in God. (and don't try to pawn off to me that i'm not intouch with God because I have doubt towards a certain preaching)

They are trying to debunk, ufo's, alien life, ghosts, as well as every other mystery on earth as a hoax by satan. I mean common, relious cults are beginning to worry because people are now beginning to open up themselves and discover the truth behind things and think for themselves, they want to dumb us down and only listen to what we are told.

They say we don't have any substansial proof too such claims towards ghosts and ufo's , well sure we do. We have videos, pictures witnesses. And we are dealing with something beyond our grasp.

So, what it's not real? and its satanic because its not explained by human understanding, but we HAVE to believe in Jesus because we are told to even though, in all honesty there is no REAL substantial proof backing him up either, other than the bible.

Even, when miracles occur we are to believe that it was a gift from jesus, but how do you know we didn't create in from our own reality and good will.

Overall, I believe in God and heaven, but I also believe in free will and exploring things that the bible can't explain and create opinions and theories individual as one person. Nothing can be explained as being christianity or satanism, their are much more underlying factors.

Thankyou for your time


Yes, religions dumb us down so that they can control us.


Which also explains why the Bible has been edited so many times starting with the Council of Nicea. Dumbing us down? Why do you think religion is called the "opiate of the masses"

"Before I met the Lord, I was all messed up on drugs... but now that I`ve met the Lord, I`m all messed up on Him!!!"
- obscure Cheech & Chong


look people. It's like this. Christianity is the only religion I know of that promises an ETERNAL UNENDING hell for people who do not follow it (trust Jesus, do what you're supposed to etc..). We all die anyway so any pleasure or goals you have in life are absolutely meaningless. What have you got to lose in going the Christian route? If it's wrong, then you miss out on pleasures, waste your life or whatever, but it doesn't matter because you die. If it is right, then you will have a real bad time burning in hell FOREVER. The way I see it is you might as well be a Christian if for no other reason than to save yourself and as many others as you can. I personally wish I had never been created but since I was, I guess I have to be a Christian don't I.


Jesus wasn't a Christian.


You encourage ignorance.

You should encourage people to seek the truth for themselves.

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Satan's comments in regards to you......"mission accomplished"


What did you expect? Religion (especially the organized variety) has been used throughout history as an effective means to keep the illiterate masses under control. I use "illiterate" intentionally - the bulk of the religious right in the US, and the bulk of the moslem population in the Middle East and world over, and (say) scientologists are functionally illiterate, any capability of independent, critical thinking having been suppressed by the ridiculous tenets that followers of such religions are supposed to believe.


Lovecraftesque you are so right...
The only religion that doesnt seem to to control
us is Buddism. Its ment for your own progression



Is there a reason males are "men" but females are simply "girls?" Reminds me of how people in the South used to refer to black males as "boy" no matter their age.




Lovecraftesque has restored my faith in human nature, I am not a lone voice in the wilderness after all. This is the twenty-first century, we really should have outgrown this nonsense by now. Why haven't we? Restrictive educational practices in the poorer countries help to ensure the religious elite maintain a virtually unassailable powerbase. The Christian churches managed to keep their grasp on all of Europe and a substantial chunk of the rest of the world throughout the Middle Ages and beyond through identical practices. These religious leaders are extremely well practised at it, there are centuries of experience behind them and it is about time they were deposed and all religions banned as far as I am concerned. Individual freedoms of belief and expression become less important when people are being killed in their thousands for having the cheek and audacity to disagree with them. What about their freedom of expression? Then of course, the real reason behind all the violence is not religion after all but retention of power and therefore control of resources and wealth. Still holding true from the Middle Ages and beyond, nothing has changed. Let us dispense with these fairytales and face the future together as a more mature species which will finally have left its childhood fantasies and toys behind.



I can assure you, the abductions are real and very frightening to those who have experienced them. It all started as a curse placed by God the Father on Canaan's bloodline (Ham's son who had sex with his mother) and to those who choose not to believe in the Word of God. He will be using Satan and his minions (fallen angels, demons) as part of the judgements on man during the Tribulation period (just around the corner). In Revelation it speaks of a swarm of locusts come out for five months. By decoding Scripture through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we've found that the aliens (fallen angels or sons of God) are the locusts spoken of in Revelation. Yes, five months of abductions on a mass scale. Trust me, people will wish they had payed more attention to a film like this.

More info on decoding of Scripture here:


when people try to tell me somthing about ufo's and ghosts i dont listen i have my own thories about that stuff and they are clear cut and easy to understand.

ghosts- i have two for that one
1.they are dead people that werent born again christians so they werent good enogh for heaven but they lived a good life,the kind a christian would live,so, satan didnt want them because they werent bad enough so they are stuck between the two worlds.
2.they are demons sent to try and drive us away from our faith in God.

aliens-that one i am still perfecting. i think that they are fallen angels just like satan and god gave them ungly bodies and banished them to somewhere other than heaven but they still had some of the knowledge they had in heaven. they come to earth to make us think we arent enything special and they want us to go againts what the bible says and belive that they evolved on some other planet.
