Its a remake!

This movie is a remake of The Groove Tube. It has the same exact plot.


What about 1987's "Amazon Women on the Moon"?

"I can't so much as drink a damn glass of water around a midget or a piece of antique furniture."


what about the wierd al movie UHF, wasnt that a bunch of tv spoofs???


In a sense, but Groove Tube didn't really have a plot. It was just a way to interconnect skits based on a common theme. I started (and abandoned) a screenplay along the same lines a while back and had to sit and deside if I was unduly influenced by Groove Tube. But then I thought of Kentucky Fried Movie, Amazon Women, UHF, Chappelle and every other similar project and decided that it is the jokes that make it unique.

And wasn't there one from National Lampoon? I seem to remember something about a stripper being the victim of a "butter bang" at the hands of the dairy industry and then sleeping her way to the top of the margerine industry for revenge. Does anyone remember this?


isnt that called lost reality?


Every film is derivative of something. I think you'll find this one quite unique in it's own way.........


Well i dont know about you guys or gals but his movie looks awsome it better not be like the Weird Al Movie because that was Garbage.
this one is gonna be better than annything before because it has alot of funny people in it Steve-o, Chris Pontius, Wee-Man, Dian Bachar u cant go wrong even preston Lacy. what the hell its going to be great.



GreatSaiyaman you suck.



If it was a true remake of "The Groove Tube"....Pontius would in all likelihood be doing something involving 'Safety Sam' as opposed to playing Jesus Christ.

