MovieChat Forums > Stranglehold (2007) Discussion > I could only get the pc version now...

I could only get the pc version now...

and at the moment I friggin' hate it! Why does everyone think pc games are so special anyways? They are hard to manuever around in and the aiming sucks. I want to be able to shoot my target, dammit! I'm only guessing here, but I'm betting that the XBox and PS3 version are much easier to move around in. Hopefully, I can get one of those systems in the future and try that theory out. I'm sorry if I sound like I'm whining, but I just needed to vent. Later.

Keep Goulet away with Emerald Smoked Almonds.


Eh, what? clearly your'e more used to Console-games. I can't aim for *beep* while playing consoles, but I'm pretty damn good at aiming with my mouse, it's all a matter of what your'e used to, and how good the game is. I hade no problems aiming in Stranglehold at all, but I have a feeling I'd get owned if I played it on a console.

And I've always loved PC-games more than console-games, mostly because there's often more "depth" in them (stranglehold not included). Realism isn't exactly the consoles best side, and I like realism (even if completely unrealistic things like Stranglehold can be fun sometimes).


Yeah, I am more used to console games. That's probably it. Sadly, there's another problem. I didn't read everything and I ended up discovering that my brand new computer's video card doesn't match what's required to play the game properly. D'oh!

Keep Goulet away with Emerald Smoked Almonds.


Ah, well, that's a downside with pc's ^^ You need to be more careful with what you buy.
