New film

I was lucky enough to spend a couple days working on the film Adrenaline written and directed by the guy's who did Prisoner. There is no doubt that Prisoner will be great after I saw what these guy's pulled off on the Adrenaline shoot. I don't want to ruin the hook but just wait!! Congrats..Robert and David


Is there any news on when we might be able to judge for ourselves? Have they found a distributor yet? Will the film get wide distribution?


I don't know about any of that. I just worked as a PA on this film that just finished shooting. I did not work on the Prisoner movie. After working on their film I just came on here to see who was in their last film. I look forward to seeing it though.


Adrenaline doesn't seem to have a page on IMDB. Who stars in that one?


I guess because it just wrapped on the 18th they do not have it up yet. I'm not sure how movies get listed on this site. We were asked to sign a form in our deal memo to not disclose any information about the film. So to answer your question I guess it will be on the site soon. I looked online to see if there were any updates about Prisoner but I did not find anything recent.
