MovieChat Forums > Played (2006) Discussion > Preview looks GREAT!

Preview looks GREAT!

It's just a little film, but I feel it's pretty special. on is a link to the first preview of "Played" and I like it.

Would be nice to see this film get some attention in a year.


Anyone else notice that Val's ex-wife is in the movie with him? Joanne Whalley...

I have feelings. I am an actress, I have many!


man this looks really good......and gabriel byrne is, as always, sexy.....cant wait for this one


Where have all the boot boys gone.........Hollywood thats where. Preview looks great we are all proud of Mick Rossi.



Preview may have looked good but don't waste your time on this load of crap. Sorry but it was pretty bad. I have seen boring documenterys with better camera, directing and writing than this. it was awful.


Be forewarned. Kilmer is in this for a total of 3 minutes and byrne in it for a total of 5 minutes. This is complete trash that has been misrepresented. They have kilmer on the front cover, first name listed as headliner for the movie. These guys are lying assh*les. The movie just plain sucked.
