MovieChat Forums > Played (2006) Discussion > Just saw the trailer,need qustion answer...

Just saw the trailer,need qustion answered

Trailer looks good,although it looks to me like it was filmed in DV,can anyone confirm this? I truly despise movies shot in DV as it looks way too crappy for me to get into the movie.. DV is for home movies only imo.

I know shooting on DV makes the budget pummel to almost nothing,but so many movies would have benefitted from a 35mm panavision camera or even shot in HD instead,but this ofcourse makes the budget larger. I do think though that sometimes the extra expense would be worth it



Yes, it was shot in DV. According to the 10SB filed by the studio, the budget was extremely low at a mere $338,000 (US Dollars).


Thank you, then i am gonna bypass this movie
