MovieChat Forums > Played (2006) Discussion > The only one who got 'Played' was ....

The only one who got 'Played' was ....

....ME by renting this POS film. Looks like someone called in favors for all the big name talent that he knew. How did he ever get out of L.A? The script was terrible, the directing sluggish and the cinematography, amateurish.

Don't get played. Pass this up.


YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!!!! It was pretty bad.....I got totally played.


Watched this at a mate's. I looked at the IMDB rating as the film started, and prepared to be bored... But...
There is no way this film deserves a 4.2 rating. This film is better than many of the films that get 6 or 7 on IMDB. The only thing that really disappointed was the ending, other than that I found it a very enjoyable watch. Who cares about big names, and whether they have huge roles? It's about the story and how interested it gets you as to what the outcome is going to be.


you said it the outcome WHICH WAS CRAP!! 4.2 is too high for that crappy ending.


totally agree, there were no plot twists, we knew what everyone was thinking and what was going to happen 10minutes before it did. Completely predictable, simple and seriously lacked ne depth in any shape or form...and did ne1 else find the accents annoyin? was it americans tryin 2 sound english or sumthing?
