I've read the script

I haven't heard about this project until recently, but now I've read the screenplay I think this movie is one of my most anticipated movies ever. The story may not seem very original (it's an urban mash-up between Garden State, Salingers Catcher in the Rye and Mike Nichols' The Graduate), but the dialogue is funny, smart and emotionally intense, without being cheesy, the characters are well written and the evolution of the story is very interesting. This screenplay will make you walk on air for days because the language that is used is so simple, but very effective. I'm really curious for what the director will make out of it.,

It's very hard to take an ideal cast, but I would say :
Thomas Webb : very hard. I think this is a career launching role, so they'll probably take an unknown actor.
Nathan Webb : Richard Jenkins
Mimi : Nathalie Portman/Amy Adams
Judith Webb : Anette Benning
W.F : Brian Cox

what are you're thoughts?


any chance you could send the script my way?

[email protected]
"You know what I want? I want yesterday."


why do you have to associate it with that cultural abortion that is Garden State ?


It sounds really interesting...Garden State is one of my favorite movies.

Any chance you could send me the script please?

Please and thanks!

[email protected]


I'd love to read the script if you'd be willing to trade or be generous.

[email protected]

Thank you so much!

My First Film: http://youtube.com/watch?v=SfRtdtWC09A
