MovieChat Forums > Night Skies (2007) Discussion > Why do alians only abduct white people! ...

Why do alians only abduct white people! I know

This movie is BS, am from phoenix and those lights were proven to be flairs. There are no back roads to Vegas you only got one road to vegas from phoenix, there are no back roads this is not east coast this is pure desert.
Why is that only white people get abducted in america? I know why. Because I was abducted and I bothered to ask the alians.
They told me they are trying to get the DNA from the purest aryans so they can populate the planets with beautiful white people. They are not interest in other races they consider them infirior.
I told them that they are just nazi racist scum. They told me that they tought Josef Mengele how to perform experiments.

This is %100 true. I make sense


Never heard of Barney Hill then? Check out 'The Interrupted Journey', book or movie.

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!


Aliens will not abduct aliens without green cards. Union thing.


