
Does anybody know if Alfred Molina will also shoot in Budapest or only in Italy?If anybody knows it please write.Thks a lot.


yes he is shooting in hungary, right now. and i heard that they wont be shooting in italy at all.


Is he shooting in a small film again? I won't see Alfred again! These small movies don't go to my country.


Well, I don't know about Alfred, but I do know, out of the mouth of one of the producers, that the film was shot in Hungary and Italy, and post-production was done in England.

The producer also said the film would not be shown until the fall of 2006 in Italy, and I gather it still does not have a distributor for the U.S., but I could be wrong.

It was shown at the Italian Cultural Institute in Westwood Village, West Los Angeles, California last week to a small group. Apparently, it was a very informal world premiere.


Its out on DVD now, here in the States.
