MovieChat Forums > Inland Empire (2007) Discussion > It's an OLD TALE told in NEW WAYS with B...

It's an OLD TALE told in NEW WAYS with BLUE PRINTS used before

One frequently finds posters making the mistake of assuming LOST GIRL is DEAD ...

because they also don't seem to understand the REASON why women seek out the company of other MEN.



due to the way in which the HUSBAND ...

or whatever he is ...

since she also tells MR. K they were SHACKED UP ...

and he also says HE'S NOT WHO SHE THINKS HE IS ...


Think of a NEW RECORD ALBUM. When one first buys it one plays it frequently, but eventually one grows TIRED of listening to it, and no longer pays as much attention to it anymore. That's the kind of situation we observe with DERN in SMITHY'S HOUSE.

Look at the way we see DERN ENTER the EMPTY HOUSE with the SACK of GROCERIES ...

look at the way she's ALMOST ALWAYS ALONE ...

look at the way he SNEEKS IN and OUT though that AXXON N DOOR ...

this is also the reason WHY LOST GIRL feels INVISIBLE ...

and LUCAS can HEAR HER but NOT SEE her ...

in the Scene with the 3 HALF RABBIT/HALF HUMAN MEN who give him the GUN.

Because previously he could SEE HER but not HEAR HER ...

or whatever it is that she tries to tell him about WANTING to SAVE SOME MONEY for the BABY ...

and he COMPLAINS and says he'd rather drink BEER that doesn't TASTE LIKE PISS.

In other words this LUCAS or SMITHY character is just as NARCISSISTIC as that other ASS HOLE in the beginning of IE who ORDERS the other woman to TAKE OFF her CLOTHES and tells her he'll tell her what HE WANTS her to do.

The stairway is dark…I don’t recognize this hallway. Where are we?
At our room now.
I don’t have the key…
No, you gave it to me. I have it.
What’s wrong with me?
This is the room? I don’t recognize it…
Take off your clothes.
You know what whores do?
Yes. They *beep*.
Do you want to *beep* me?
Just take off your clothes. I’ll tell you what I want.
Fine. Where am I? I’m afraid. I’m afraid…

So what we have is an OLD TALE or a very familiar situation where a WOMAN GETS IGNORED by her HUSBAND ...

then SEEKS out the company of another MAN ...

one who PAYS MORE ATTENTION to her.

But that other male also STOPS PAYING ATTENTION to her once he gets what HE WANTS from her.


WOMEN ARE IGNORED by one man ...

SEEK out the ATTENTION of other males ...

AND end up right back in the SAME SITUATION again ...

ALL ALONE again. [/red]

Then the REPENTANT MALE also seeks out the WOMAN again ...


the one he could SEE but wasn't LISTENING TO ...

and finds himself in a situation where he can HEAR HER now ...

but HE CAN'T SEE her anymore ...

because she's also TOO DEPRESSED (TOO BLUE) to SEE HIM or pay attention to him anymore.


But it can also FEEL that way ...

as if one was DEAD ...

or as if one were LIVING a LIFE that makes one FEEL as if they were INVISIBLE or DEAD ...


like the SELFISH MATE of SUE BLUE does.



Neighbor: Hmmm. A little boy went out to play. When he opened his door, he saw the world. As he passed through the doorway, he caused a reflection. Evil was born. Evil was born, and followed the boy.

Nikki: I'm sorry, what is that?

Neighbor: An old tale, and a variation. A little girl went out to play. Lost in the marketplace

When the NEW NEIGHBOR says its an OLD TALE ...

she's most likely making reference to the GARDEN of EDEN STORY where EVE is also seduced by the SNAKE.

Because we also have that PAINTING in MTTH ...

of the naked pregnant girl standing on the ROCK ...

and reaching up towards the ANGEL ...

as the CLAW of the DEVIL also reaches up for her from UNDER the ROCK ...


Since we also see this painting in the scene where THE PHANTOM sells LOST GIRL the WATCH that we see pinned to the inside of his COAT ...

along with 9 other WATCHES ...

probably also THE WATCHES of other men that he's killed ...

so that he could STEAL the WATCHES they wear and SELL them ...

LYNCH also seems to suggest LG is also being SEDUCED by a DEVIL ...

like the one we see attacking the other girl in the painting.

There's also the possibility he targets men who have attractive looking WIVES or girlfriends who would also have no other way to support themselves once those mates were dead.

So they may also come to him for assistance after that ... if he's some kind of LOCAL PIMP.

And that could also mean he KILLS the men not only for their WATCH, but as a way to force other females into working for him as prostitutes, when they come to him because they have NO MONEY to pay their RENT once the men he kills are DEAD.

Ceasar would basically also do the same thing ... raid CITIES and villages ... capture people in them ... and then turn the women into prostitutes back in ROME.

So this kind of behavior is also the reason why it's such an OLD TALE.


Neighbor: Hmmm. A little boy went out to play.

When he opened his door, he saw the world. As he passed through the doorway, he caused a reflection. Evil was born. Evil was born, and followed the boy.

Nikki: I'm sorry, what is that?

Neighbor: An old tale, and a variation. A little girl went out to play. Lost in the marketplace

But [b]unfortunately it's also not something that YOU REMEMBER.

🐇 🐰


There was this man … I once knew.

His name was … it doesn’t matter what his name was.

A lot of guys change. They don’t change, but they reveal.

In time, they reveal what they really are.

You know what I mean?

It’s an old story.

After this INTRODUCTION where she REVEALS what MEN are like comes a series of stories about them ...

begining with a story about an attempted RAPE:

Well, this guy … he revealed something. Looking back on it …
along it was being revealed.

He was planning something. Planning something with me in mind. When I get mad, I really get mad.

I gouged a man’s EYE out when I was fifteen once. He was trying to rape me.

I mean, the FU*CKER had it out. He was pushing my legs apart. I got a finger in his eye socket. Pretty quick, rape was a long way off his mind.

He was crying and screaming like a baby.

“What a *beep* man you are,” I said.

There was goo. But he could still see me with the one eye …

see me coming at him…

grabbing his nuts and tearing at ‘em.

He seen that, all right, and felt it, too.

He was screamin’ and wailin’ like a little baby, sittin’ in the corner and crying…
moaning and hugging his nuts till the ambulance come.

The ambulance guys … they say, “What the *beep* happened here?”

I say, “He come to a reaping what he been sowing, that’s what.”

They say, *beep* been sowing some kind of heavy *beep*

PLEASE also note how this is the place where the OLD STORY takes a NEW TURN

due to the way in which the PREDATOR becomes a VICTIM of his PREY.

PLEASE also NOTE how this part of the STORY also contributes to what later happens

... after she's BRUTALLY ATTACKED again by the HUSBAND ...

in the scene where she's seen WEARING the PEACH COLORED NIGHT GOWN or SLIP:

There was this man I once knew.

I’m trying to tell you so you’ll understand how it went.

The thing is, I don’t know what was before or after. I don’t know what happened first. And it’s kinda laid a mind-*beep* on me.

My husband … he’s *beep* hiding something. He was acting all *beep* weird one night before he left … he was talking this foreign talk … and telling loud *beep* stories …

(intercut with her being beaten by her husband)

Like this, his face all red. His eyes bugging out.

I figured one day I’d wake up and figure out just what yesterday was all about.

PLEASE also NOTE how this is where WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY ...

with the ATTEMTPED RAPE ...

becomes THE BLUE PRINT for what happens NEXT ...

or THE DAY when she's attacked by the HUSBAND.

And just like she DEFENDS herself against her RAPIST ...

she also goes into DEFENSE MODE again ...

to DEFEND herself again from this BRUTAL ATTACK as well.

Only this time the ATTACKER ends up DEAD ...

and there's NO NEED to call for an ambulance.

And this is also the reason why we see her FACE LOOKING DOWN at him ...

but he SAYS NOTHING to her as his DEAD EYES STARE back up into her FACE ...

in that scene that begins with his BRUTALLY BEATING her.

Apparently this also wasn't the FIRST or the SECOND time she's been attacked by a man ...

because we also have this other story where she's attacked by still another DIFFERENT MAN:

Seen a guy come at me with a crowbar once.

Guess he figured I was two-timing him.

I was coming home, we were shacked up at the time.

He was waiting for me in the half-light.

Waiting for me to come home.

Guess he had worked himself into some kind of frenzy.
I open the *beep* door …
and I see this *beep* shape burst out of the chair …
and a crowbar going up. I scream, and turn.

*beep* crowbar comes down, smashing in that *beep* door, cheap piece of *beep* It just splinters into a thousand pieces, like it was glass, *beep* flying everywhere.

I don’t take this kind of behavior. I see what this *beep* was up to.


I kick him in the nuts so hard he go crawling up inside his brain for a refuge.

He goes down like a two dollar whore.

Crying and *beep* telling me he’s done nothing but love me and *beep*

So our OLD STORY also takes a NEW TURN ...

when it takes on a NEW MEANING ...

due to the way in which this is also a WOMAN who FIGHTS BACK ...


rather than end up being HIS VICTIM or his PREY.










So what happens by the END of this OLD TALE to make LOST GIRL go running into the ARMS of SMITHY ...


Why does she want to be with a SELFISH MAN who would rather drink BEER that doesn't taste like PISS than save money for the baby that's on the way???

WHY does LOST GIRL want to be with a MAN who mostly IGNORES HER and BEATS her the way we see him beating DERN???

Did we see anything to indicate he's changed since he ABANDONS her ...

and RUNS AWAY with the CIRCUS ...

and has the HOT DOG PARTY without even telling her beforehand that he's having it ...

or that he's leaving her to go work for it???

Why would any woman chose to be with a man like the one we've seen portrayed inside of SMITHY'S HOUSE???



The only way that last scene inside of SMITHY'S HOUSE makes sense for me is to assume LOST GIRL is an ACTRESS who is happy to be finished with her PART in the FILM,

and is RUNNING through the STAIRWAY and into the PROP by the BACK WAY ...

because she's probably also in a REAL RELATIONSHIP with this ACTOR who plays the PARTS of PIOTREK/SMITHY/MUSTASH MAN in POLAND (which also helps explain the reason why she JUMPS to ATTENTION when she sees him in the SCENE in POLAND where someone asks him what TIME it is).

But she's probably also just been SEDUCED inside of the FAKE TWIN COPY of the OLD HOTEL ROOM ...

by the SAME WOLF (aka: DEVON/BILLY) as DERN was ...

and her sister was ...

and all of the rest of the other girls who play the parts of HOOKERS have been.

So that's also the REASON WHY we see LOST GIRL passing by that MIRROR in the HALLWAY ...

(which creates the EVIL REFLECTION) ...

and it's probably also the reason why LYNCH has her enter into SMITHY'S HOUSE by that BACK WAY ...

because LOST GIRL has probably also had sex with the SAME WOLF ...

and is pregnant by him ...

which means THE CURSE in the FILM will also CONTINUE ...

but this time it will also CONTINUE to happen in REAL LIFE ...

instead of inside of the FILM WORLD this time???

Because maybe the ACTOR who plays the parts of PIOTREK/SMITHY/MUSTASH MAN has also had a VASECTOMY???

So after LOST GIRL ends up pregnant ...

then the AXXON N STORY will also begin to REPEAT itself again ...

only this time IN REAL LIFE and not just inside of a RADIO PLAY or inside of a FILM VERSION of the story.



Niki's BUTLER seemed like a NICE MAN.

After serving COFFEE to the NEW NEIGHBOR and her he also tells her he'd be right there if she needs him.

Then we also see him JUMPING for JOY at the GOOD NEWS that Niki gets the part in the FILM ...

whereas the JEALOUS PIOTREK just SPYS on her from the TOP of the STAIRWAY and doesn't seem HAPPY or offer her one word of CONGRATULATIONS at getting the ROLE like the other 2 girls were also doing.

The Man who searches for LOST GIRL in the MODERN DAY AUDI AUTOMOBILE also seems like a NICE MAN as well.

BUT WHO is he???

Surely this can't be SMITHY in that MODERN DAY AUTO???

And WHY is he looking for LOST GIRL???

The 3 RABBIT MEN also seem like NICE MEN as well ...

even though they also MORPH back into being RABBITS AFTER MIDNIGHT.








There is this part of me that thinks that LG gets trapped in that room

WHY do people assume LG is TRAPPED in the HOTEL ROOM when at the end of IE we can CLEARLY SEE the DOOR over to the RIGHT SIDE of her is WIDE OPEN???

And we also see LANI and LORI ...

who LG First watches running down the HOTEL hallway ON THE MONITOR ...

RUNNING past that OPEN DOOR as LG turns her head and LOOKS OVER at the OPEN DOOR to see them RUNNING past it.

So OBVIOUSLY she's NOT TRAPPED inside of this room.


And Dern also tells Mr. K she was 41 in 60, so maybe that also means THE NEW NEIGHBOR might be LOST GIRL years later.

But the LOST GIRL who sits inside of the PROP or the FAKE TWIN COPY of the OLD HOTEL room (like SMITHY'S HOUSE is also a FAKE TWIN COPY) is most likely an ACTRESS (like Niki) who plays the part of the other girl in the GERMAN Version of the other film.

Seeing SMITHY or whoever he is riding around in that MODERN DAY AUDI AUTOMOBILE also confirms this can't be the SMITHY from the 60 WORLD.

So this must be the ACTOR who plays the parts of PIOTREK/SMITHY/MUSTASH MAN who LOST GIRL runs into SMITHY'S HOUSE to see.

But she's probably also been seduced by DEVON in that FAKE TWIN COPY of that HOTEL ROOM as well ...

which probably also means the CURSE in the FILM is about to begin all over again with LOST GIRL being PREGNANT by Devon.

But the HAPPY part is DERN won't take the PART, thanks to what the NEW NEIGHBOR tells her, which also means the CURSE won't get to torment her the way it did the other actress.

At least that's the way I see it.



there is the Phantom right up there, there he is ... up in the balcony now and he killed the Spot Light operator guy and took over that spot light

Bucky Jay is the SPOTLIGHT Man who gets REPLACED by PHIL.

Bucky J, are you there?

00:44:42,424 --> 00:44:45,031
- Is he there?
- Yes, he is there.

00:44:45,135 --> 00:44:48,367
I'd say we haven't still got the 2K quite in the right place

Listen, get medics on the scene, and see what's behind this.

00:46:10,847 --> 00:46:13,662
- Yes, but. who..

00:46:13,767 --> 00:46:15,226
...Phil's on it.

00:46:15,226 --> 00:46:18,458
- Phil's in.... We got Phil up there now, Bucky J doin a deal.

00:46:18,667 --> 00:46:20,857
- Please guys, lets work on these lighting cues,
alright, we need to work together...

00:46:25,549 --> 00:46:29,094
We're almost lit,
couple of minuets


His position is also WAY UP there in the CEILING ...

where he WATCHES OVER everyone down below ...

a PLACE that we also keep REPEATEDLY SEEING in IE ...

and we also keep HEARING this CREEPY music each time that we see that area ...

without ever actually ever SEEING BUCKY PERCHED UP THERE.

Because Instead of SEEING HIM up there ...

we HEAR HIM in the Scene where KINGSLEY ends up REPLACING him with PHIL.

So ...

Could this be the CLUE to all of this???

Was REPLACING the INCOMPETENT SPOT LIGHT MAN what enables this REMAKE VERSION of the AXXON N OPERA to proceed forward to the HAPPY REUNION Scene inside of SMITHY'S HOUSE...

and past the MURDERS of the 2 LEADS ...

who may also have been KILLED when the INCOMPETENT SPOT LIGHT MAN DROPS the SPOT LIGHT DOWN on them???

Could xxpo also be WRONG about Devon being the BIG BAD WOLF who seduces LOST GIRL inside of the FAKE TWIN COPY of the OLD HOTEL ROOM???

Could it be BUCKY JAY who seduced her there instead of DEVON???

And maybe BUCKY also tries to KILL DEVON with the 2K SPOT LIGHT because he's JEALOUS of his making PASSES at LG???

And maybe that's also the reason why BUCKY has problems with his wife and gets replaced by PHIL???



How old was the youngest son of LYNCH at the time he made IE???

And we also have KINGSLEY asking in the ANCIENT VOICE of his 90 YR OLD niece WHO IS SMITHY???

Where's the WITCHES CASTLE in IE???

Do you mean Niki's palace???

Billy's house???



Nance probably should never have made a racist remark like that. One never knows when KARMA may come calling.

The story about the power going off while he's on the phone with his wife threatening to kill herself is also pretty SPOOKY.

While watching a film called ME and ORSON yesterday was also AMUSED to see another BUCKY J type of SCENE in that film where A CAMERAMAN also SCREWS UP THE lighting during the performance on STAGE.

It was also pretty funny. And we also get to see the face of the CAMERAMAN as he keeps screwing up the lighting.

Wonder if they got the idea for that scene from watching the BUCKY J scene in IE???


I knew this movie is dangerous
Look there's more to this than meets the ear or eye
It is something like black magic? Hoodoo
Be careful when you'd watch this movie
Does it make you sleepy also?
I flop out and my head rolls back and I almost dribble
I have to use all my energy and power to not let it attack me.


Be careful when you'd watch this movie
Does it make you sleepy also?
I flop out and my head rolls back and I almost dribble
I have to use all my energy and power to not let it attack me.

Yeah it's a SPOOKY MOVIE ...

sorta like the HOTEL CALIFORNIA ...

where you can CHECK OUT anytime you like ...

but you can NEVER LEAVE.

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night.

There she stood in the doorway;
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
'This could be heaven or this could be Hell'
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face.
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year) you can find it here

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

So I called up the Captain,
'Please bring me my wine'
He said, 'we haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty-nine'
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say"

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face.
They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise), bring your alibis

Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said, 'we are all just prisoners here, of our own device'
And in the master's chambers,
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can't kill the beast

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
'Relax' said the night man,
'We are programmed to receive.

You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave!'


Why would the wizard of OZ protect anyone?
It is fiction and he was a conman.



Yes LAura Palmtree
You have it
The phantom is not the bad guy
He wants them to wait and not become whores
That is what the watches are about.


In MD Adam Kesher kills the light when he kissed Camilla Rhodes. It's not a giant leap for mankind to understand what the red light-bulb in Crimp's mouth represents. He is just another notorious light swallower. To be more specific, he sucked out all the love of the blonde who used his tool, his screwdriver.

BTW Rabbits are thought guiding creatures. You better follow them like a dog, but be careful with that watch, because before you know it, you're lost in time ... and space of course. Notice that Jack went from the Palace to the seventh floor of Mr K's. Quite a journey I must say. It's where the truth is being revealed. Ah, that's a long story derived from many untrue stories.

"I used to raise rabbits. l've always loved animals their nature how they think."

...Credo quia absurdum...


The little RED LIGHT BULB seems to be CONNECTED to the LAMP DERN tells MR. K that she's had ALL of her life, the one that use to belong to HER MOTHER.

She tells him it also has a different LAMP SHADE now, and that the BED she sleeps on ...

on the BACK PORCH ...

where the SPIDERS and all of their BABIES live in the WALL PANELS ...

belongs to HER SISTER ...

the one who is MARRIED to the FREE LOADING BOY TOY name KIDDO ...

the one who ends up with his HEAD and his penis sitting on her shelf in the FRIDGE.

So this LAMP also seems to be the ONLY thing she OWNS.

And it also appears to be sitting there in back of the RABBIT ROOM ...

before the CAMERA moves in for a CLOSE UP SHOT of it ...

and then takes us OUTSIDE to show us DERN SITTING there IN THE RAIN with a LOOK of HORROR on here FACE ...

as if she's just CUT of KIDDO'S HEAD and his PENIS ...

and she also KNOWS this means she won't be able to SLEEP ON THE BACK PORCH with the POISON SPIDERS anymore ...

the kind who also BITE OFF the HEADS of their MATES after they've had SEX with them.

When she meets the OTHER GIRLS in SMITHY'S HOUSE, the LITTLE RED LIGHT also FLICKERS and seems to turn into a LITTLE BLUE LIGHT.

As if the LITTLE BLUE LIGHT would also SYMBOLIZE how DERN (as SUE BLUE) has also just had a REVELATION that this PREDATORY WOLF who told her he's NEVER MET or KNOWN anyone LIKE HER BEFORE has also told ALL of these OTHER GIRLS she finds THE SAME THING???

Sticking to the SCRIPT makes understanding the things that we see happening in IE so much easier to COMPREHEND.

And doing so can also help one to keep from getting LOST in TIME and SPACE ...

like the way a COUPLE of other LOST BOYS around here seem to keep doing in their interpretations of IE.


i have explained how kiddo is the usual cinema audience who don't go to see lynch's sort of films

the lamp is the generic cinema camera, it is also or could be , the light they have ON when you need to be quiet both in movie making and in radio
David Lynch: 'Watching movies on a smartphone is pathetic'


So xxpo you don't know that kiddo stands for ordinary cinema goes who dont get Lynch any funding for his movies? If you don't i now conclude you cannot be David Lynch. he needs to eat but they don't give him anything
David Lynch: 'Watching movies on a smartphone is pathetic'


As the red lampshade in the room of house 1358 flickers the image of Devon/Billy fades in and out, after which the light turns cold blue. A shock fills the room, the theater and the blonde's mind. Her attempt to re-engage into her romantic daydream's fantasy failed, because her inner voices spoiled the party. "Who the hell are you?"

Please refrain from decorating text as much as possible. Thanks.

...Credo quia absurdum...

BTW Much much later in the movie, when Crimp pops up from a tree in his backyard the genuine guise of the blonde's lover gets revealed. The symbol of love, the red lampshade, was enlightened by a guy called Crimp.



Yes LAura Palmtree
You have it
The phantom is not the bad guy
He wants them to wait and not become whores
That is what the watches are about.

And in your Vimeo clip the phantoms only concern is the the worthy star ges the spotlight
The love rElationship between him and the girl in phantom of the paradise is a metaphor for his mission of making what is real.
He likes circus audience for that is a kind primeval honesty of performance art
That is why he is enthusiastic with the circus audience.

The pantomime in the inland empire is rejected by the whores though
The evil of cinema winsin the end
Te phantom wants good cinema to win
But Nokia is deceived and afraid and really wants the role at any cost and won't use her Rolex and wait for a good role , buttocks one that does not suit her, she becomes another playboy bunny slut in the end, and delights in the club of whoredom the lost girl is not found she just has a playmate in the bunny club.
And the old woman smiles because she is the devil and wanted it all to happen.


Yes LAura Palmtree
You have it
The phantom is not the bad guy
He wants them to wait and not become whores
That is what the watches are about.

And in your Vimeo clip the phantoms only concern is the the worthy star ges the spotlight
The love rElationship between him and the girl in phantom of the paradise is a metaphor for his mission of making what is real succeed and get to cast a true reflection of the real world.

He likes circus audience for that is a kind primeval honesty of performance art
That is why he is enthusiastic with the circus audience.

The phantoms help in the inland empire is rejected by the whores though who just can't wait to be famous
And the The evil of cinema that follows the relflection of the boys and girls wins in the end
The phantom wants good cinema to win and the true reflections, not fake ones to be cast. The metaphor of casting reflections of the world as well as their reflections means the reflections are marred by the corruption of the world, like money like Hollywood making money out of any old trash by who're ring everything instead of pre acclimating the truth of paramount purity and truth in art, to avoid bad decisios for moneys sake.
So often sluttiness rules for money and true art loses, and the reflection is one of cinemas n the tale told, it is the boys and girls who are used wrongly, instead of reflected in the right way which requires time and everything done right, but time is money and whores seduce and are seduced by the inland empire of cinema ruLed by Hollywood in the case of movies.

The phantoms mission allegorically in his personna as phantom is to fight this vile evil following the reflections
He the phantom has no reflection but knows what they are, and seeks to bring them reflected true for cinema and music and art in general. And not contorted and twisted by the influence of the worlds corruptive concerns, which is domineering their true purpose in art for money sake, and making their reflections into nothing more than whores in shoddy windows displaying wrong flesh in wrong bodies through dirty glass, that spoils the art of cinema.

But Nikki is deceived and afraid and really wants the role at any cost and won't use her Rolex and wait for a good role , with buttocks spread for one that does not suit her, she becomes another playboy bunny slut in the end, and delights in the club of whoredom
the lost girl is not found she just has a playmate in the bunny club.
And the old woman smiles because she is the devil and wanted it all to happen.
The phantoms point is made though, the moral of the story is communicated.


The phantoms help in the inland empire is <b>rejected by the whores
though who just can't wait to be famous

And the The evil of cinema that follows the relflection of the boys and girls wins in the end

The phantom wants good cinema to win and the true reflections, not fake ones to be cast. The metaphor of casting reflections of the world as well as their reflections means the reflections are marred by the corruption of the world, like money like Hollywood making money out of any old trash by who're ring everything instead of pre acclimating the truth of paramount purity and truth in art, to avoid bad decisios for moneys sake.

So often sluttiness rules for money and true art loses, and the reflection is one of cinemas n the tale told, it is the boys and girls who are used wrongly, instead of reflected in the right way which requires time and everything done right, but time is money and whores seduce and are seduced by the inland empire of cinema ruLed by Hollywood in the case of movies.

This is an interesting interpretation ...

but one also has to wonder if THE PHANTOM doesn't have the same mission as BOB in TP.

As you may recall, his GETTING INSIDE of Leland is what turns LAURA into a WHORE who turns tricks to support her COKE habit.

So if this PHANTOM is the same as BOB, then his mission would be to turn the girls into WHORES so he can FEED off of the SADNESS that results that leads to the NEED for DRUGS as a way to try to CHASE away THE BLUES.

And the EVIL REFLECTION would also be the MOVIE STAR image they fall in love with which has NOTHING to do with the REAL PERSON that it's based upon.

So the INDUSTRY PROJECTS this image of a GOOD LOOKING GUY who in REALITY is the BIG BAD WOLF or the PREDATOR who PREYS upon these girls and turns them into WHORES.

And that also enables the PHANTOM to FEED on them or their DISILLUSIONED states of mind (like the way they also had the CREAMED CORN in TP as a way to SYMBOLIZE this process).

So it's probably also NOT GOOD CINEMA that he's after.

🐇 🐰


Yeah. This seems like a feminist boo men interpretation.

Doesn't mention laura derns adultery and lying to man that he's the father of a baby that isn't his or how when he's chocking her she's the one who keeps coming at him aggressively.
Hardly the innocent victim she portrays herself as.

How can we believe any of her stories when she portrays herself as a victim and hero yet can't conveniently remember events. She blames her husband of hiding something but then we find out she's been hiding something all along.


Good points.

But NOTE the way we also see the scene where JACK RABBIT ENTERS the room of MR. K and sits down at his desk the same way as DERN does.

And since the NEW NEIGHBOR also tells us at the start of IE that this is a TALE about BOTH the BOY and THE GIRL

(who's story is a VARIATION of the boy's story),

perhaps the STORY he tells to MR. K also begins the SAME WAY or like this:


And if that's the case ...

then we'd also hear him BAD MOUTHING WOMEN the same way as we hear DERN doing the MEN in her life???

🐇 🐰



Doesn't mention laura derns adultery and lying to man that he's the father of a baby that isn't his or how when he's chocking her she's the one who keeps coming at him aggressively.

What about the other WOMAN in WHITE who says SHE CAN'T HAVE children??? And says she'll also NEVER let the LUCAS character have her (which we also assume must be HIS MISTRESS or KAROLINA who plays the part of the LOST GIRL))???

Surely that scene also seems to indicate HIS ADULTRY???

And since we also see the SMITHY character enter his house at the end of IE with HIS SON, perhaps he also LIED to her or was MISTAKEN to assume that he can't have kids???

Also NOTE the way the CREDITS say the boy is HIS SON (and don't say he's the son of both SMITHY and KAROLINA).

Hardly the innocent victim she portrays herself as.

Neither the LITTLE BOY NOR the LITTLE GIRL who GO OUT to PLAY seem innocent.

How can we believe any of her stories when she portrays herself as a victim and hero yet can't conveniently remember events.

The PROBLEM with her MEMORY and with her not being able to remember events begins after she USES the AXXON N DOOR in the BACK ALLEY of STAGE 4,

and then sees herself still sitting there doing the REHEARSAL for SCENE 35.


But at the END of IE we also see DERN has FIGURED OUT how to USE the AXXON N DOOR to CORRECT the TIME so that it FLOWS the RIGHT WAY again.

And we also KNOW this by seeing the CLOCK on the WALL which MOVES FORWARD in TIME AGAIN.

Because we also see the 3 DIFFERENT TIMES:




Which also means it's AFTER MIDNIGHT ...

the time when the MAGIC SPELL in FOLK and in FAIRY WEARS OFF ...

and the CINDERELLA COACH turns back into the PUMPKIN again ...

and THE HUMANS that are RABBITS TURN back into RABBITS AGAIN ...

like the way we also see the other 3 OLD MEN MORPHING back into being RABBITS AGAIN after MIDNIGHT.

So with TIME FLOWING the right way again, and with it being AFTER MIDNIGHT, DERN also ends up BACK INSIDE of the RABBIT ROOM (ROOM 47) AGAIN.

And we also see her standing there in the MOVIE THEATER or the PROJECTION ROOM with MR. K and watching herself on the SCREEN.

And as she WATCHES, the character on the SCREEN also CATCHES UP to her and begins doing PRECISELY what she's doing AT THE SAME TIME.

So once again we also know that TIME is BACK in SYNC again at that TIME.

And we also KNOW the ACTRESS is waiting for that to happen as a CUE to let her know that she can now MOVE FORWARD to do the NEXT SCEEN that she needs to do (which also involves SHOOTING the PHANTOM with the GUN that she's gotten out of the DRAWER).

She blames her husband of hiding something but then we find out she's been hiding something all along.

And what she gets OUT of that DRAWER is the GUN that her HUSBAND has HIDDEN in it.

So did he also HIDE it there FOR HER???

So that she could USE IT on THE PHANTOM???

Also NOTE the way THE PHANTOM seems intent upon GETTING INSIDE of the RABBIT ROOM for some reason.

Perhaps because he also KNOWS that the RABBITS inside of it are also HALF RABBIT HALF HUMANS???

And maybe he wants to GET INSIDE of it so that he can KILL THEM, and STOP the CINDERELLA CHARACTER from being able to attend THE BALL, where she meets the HANDSOME PRINCE???


Whatever the case may be, THE LUCAS character (both in his ROLES as PIOTREK and as SMITHY) also tells us that he is:


And FREDDY also tells us that he use to RAISE THEM, and that he also raised RABBITS in particular.

🐇 🐰






So with TIME FLOWING the right way again, and with it being AFTER MIDNIGHT, DERN also ends up BACK INSIDE of the RABBIT ROOM (ROOM 47) AGAIN.

The thing to NOTE is the way THE HALLWAY that DERN is inside of is LOCATED INSIDE of SMITHY'S HOUSE,

because we also SEE her Looking into the LIVING ROOM area.



(just like the 3 OLD RABBIT MEN CHANGE back into their RABBIT FORM agains AFTER MIDNIGHT)

to where it becomes the HALLWAY where the RABBITS are located INSIDE of ROOM 47.

So LOCATIONS can also MORPH and CHANGE form just like the 3 RABBIT MEN.

But basically the STRUCTURE of the HALLWAY is still also the SAME with the 2 DOORS being in the same place as they were before.

🐇 🐰
