Filming in NY on 9/12/05

I was invited to a Fashion Show on the Hudson, Monday Sept 12th and apparently someone double booked the location because they were filming an outdoor scene for this movie.

They did three different scenes. One was just them sitting at a table drinking wine celebrating something (close up shots). Another was them still sitting at the same table, but this time extras were brought in to make it appear other people were eating at different tables and the last was a completely different scene, I am not sure what it was about because they had too many people around them to tell. I am sure the George Washington Bridge will probably be in the background as it was right there.

I felt bad for the Fashion Show people, each time they started working on constructing the runway or setting up the sound system or any type of set up at all, they were told by the film crew to be quiet. All we heard all day was, "ROLLING, QUIET PLEASE".

Needless to say that the Fashion Show started 2 hours late due to the set-backs. Unfortunately, due to late start time we had to leave early and never actually got to see the Fashion Show, but we still had a great time and had the privilage of seeing a movie being filmed.

Amanda Peet is very pretty and Dermot Mulroney looked as though he was in deep thought about his part.

I'm looking forward to seeing this movie, if nothing else just to see those parts and say I was there to see it.
