did anyone notice?

there are many coincidences between this film to others and between these two actors, first....
both Amanda Peet and Dermot Mulroney have had Diane Keaton play their mother, (Diane Keaton played Amanda Peet's mother in Somethings Gotta Give, and she played Dermot Mulroney's mother in The Family Stone)
the music, in Griffin and Phoenix, there is the song "Breathe" by Anna Nalick, and nearing the end, the song "Shelter" by Ray Lamontagne, while in the movie A Lot Like LOve, starring Amanda Peet, "Breathe" plays over scenes she is in, and in another scene a Ray Lamontagne song, "Trouble", also plays

and finally..
the deaf actor Tyrone Giordano, is in both Alot Like Love, with Amanda Peet, and is in The Family Stone with Dermot Mulroney.

i just found a the many similarities odd, and its a past time of mine to connect movies with their similarities, sorta like six degrees of kevin bacon style. if anyone is a dork like me, they might find this remotely interesting lol :)


no offense, but- man, get a life...


That's quite a well-rounded observation! I just watched this movie and was really impressed with the acting.


Also, Amanda Peet and Sarah Paulson were just in Studio 60 together.


i didnt


Wow! I just got done watching this flick and enjoyed it tremendously! Thanks so much for the info on the music. I really was wondering who performed the song, "Breathe" and now I know. It's nice that you enjoy movies and their similarities so much! And, I certainly don't think you're a dork! Peace.


Hey! I just got done watching this movie too! That song "Breathe" is what grabbed my attention to the movie and thats where I started getting into it. I just love that song. I've heard it a few times on TV and in public. I've looked it up before and never seem to remember that its by her. Well, Even though I missed the first 40 min or so... I think this is a great touching story about living and loving...that I would love to see again!
