This film...

Was so much garbage. My friend put this one and basically forced me to watch it with him. I HATED this movie. The acting sucked, the plot sucked, I honestly had no Idea what was going on other than a man seeking revenge after his family is killed. That's never been done before.

First of all, I like Statham. I even am a fan of some of Ron Perlman's films. How this *beep* ass director got Ray Liotta and Burt Reynolds is beyond me. The special effects were painful to watch. It might just seem like I'm bitching, but I'm sorry. I had to get this rant off me. The comical elements in this movie seemed forced. Someone died? good. I honestly gave no *beep*

Im sorry. I hate this movie. If you loved it Im sorry for you. LoTR is a good movie. Braveheart is a good movie. Hell, Knight's Tale is a good movie. This is not. The worst part? They actually tried.


*beep* deserves to be treated as *beep* and this movie is no exception
