Ray Liotta lol

I honestly thing the movie would be slightly better if if didn't have Ray Liotta. Don't get me wrong hes a pretty good actor, but his accent just ruins it for me.


yea i usually like him in just bout everything he's in, but not this one,, it just wasnt' his cup of tea , as neither was it mine.

are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


I'm convinced that Boll got Liotta good and drunk then signed him onto the movie. After Ray found out he was stuck doing the movie he decided to troll the production and that performance was born.

Who says violence is not the answer?


Kind of like Tony Curtis in Black Shield of Falworth.


Liotta was in fact one of the worst things about the movie. Then again, I don't recall him being much good in anything else that I've sene either.


He's the main reason I suffered through this. Don't get me wrong, he's miscast. He's way too old for LeeLee. But he does play a good villain, and he makes for a good villain in this. And it does appear, even though he didn't have to, that he was trying. Actually, compared to everyone, he, Ron Perlman, and John Rhys-Davies fare the best. Though I'll admit the deck is stacked in Liotta's favor a bit as villains have a freer reign to be OTT.

I love to love my Princess.
