Is Dad's story true?

My husband suggested this and I said if it wasn't true the Dad just gave the groom a whole lot of ammunition against Jesse; e.g., 'even though you slept with Jake when we were officially broken up, you told me it was one week, but your Dad said two, so how do I know you're ever telling me the truth?' So why lie?

Also better if the story's true, because the Dad's saying: 'if you ever hurt Jesse, even though she's not my biological daughter, I'm capable of beating you senseless [like the bar fight] and I'm willing to kill you because only a fluke prevented me from murdering before.'

We'll never really know if the story's true because ONLY the Dad tells us anything in this movie. An alternate shot in the deleted scenes has Jesse's supposed biological father put his hand on Mom's leg and she firmly removes it, but as I said they didn't use that more definitive shot. Mmmmm.

Even if story's made up, great movie where love wins the day.


Does love really win the day in this movie? Or does misery?
