The Clock

"She sets the clocks forward to give me more time, only she gives me less time."

Anyone notice this? Last time I checked if she set the clocks forward he'd leave 10 minutes earlier and actually have "more time".


exactly what i thought, and we are right.

but have they done it by purpose? it's too easy of mistake surely. but if they did know about it, why??


I just started watching it so I dont know the context of this...

However, setting a clock forward never gives you more time, the only way that would give you more time is if it shifted ALL of time back 10 minutes, although doing that would make the purpose null, because there would be no difference in the actual time.

by setting a clock backward 10 minutes, you are actually subtracting 10 minutes from between NOW, and THEN.

Setting it backwards does however induce haste, but that only works if the actual time of the event is actually 10 minutes sooner than the person not in the know (of the time change) thinks it is.

Otherwise you are actually wasting the 10 minutes, standing around, waiting for the actual event to take place.


So I just past that part, and to my interpretation, she set the clock forward (as in 3:30 becomes 3:40) 10 minutes by accident ("what? I gave you an extra 10 minutes" - "no, you set it the wrong way!") instead of backwards (3:30 becomes 3:20)


HE says she set it forward, but she set it back. He needs to leave at exactly 18 after, and the clock said 15 after (check it yourself) so he though he had three minutes, when actually he should have left 7 minutes before. He just got it wrong when he said that she set it forward.

Also, yes, setting it forward WOULD give you more time, at least in your mind. If it is 9:20 and you set the clock forward to 9:30, than if you leave at what the clock says, and what you think, to be 10:00, you will actually be leaving at 9:50. It's simple really.


He said she set them the wrong way... she was trying to give him ten minutes longer than he thought he had, and therefore *should* have set them forward, but she cocked it up, set the clock 10 minutes *backwards* and therefore made him run late. Simple.


No, she actually set the clock forwards..... and he said that was wrong.


What makes you think she set the clock forward? I made the same observation as king-134, hearing Frank Allen say that his wife 'set the clock the wrong way, giving him ten minutes less'.

"You want to know my name? My name is Sayid Jarrah, and I'm a torturer."


I'm watching it at the moment, and he definitely says she set it forward. I was wondering if I was the only one who didn't think that made any sense, which is why I jumped on here. Such an obvious mistake, I have to wonder how it made it into the movie.


I agree - I sat there perplexed for a moment as well. Then I just dismissed it as I must have had a few too many herbal refreshments.
I'm guessing it's the classic "I'm always right, you're always wrong" even if I'm wrong and you're right. So in the end, it was his own fault that he missed the ferry, not hers, and really, he only has himself to blame.


When you set a clock in real time forwards the intended purpose might be to actually gain more time in the present but since the actual gain would be limited by only the person who was doing the setting (wife) therefore it makes sense that he didn't actually gain any time but lost the 10 minutes because he never knew about it and wouldn't have known if it had become nil or even stayed the same.


What you just wrote makes no sense whatsoever.


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Trusting another soul with my fate,showed me how easily love could turn to pure hate.


... The OP is right, the movie got it wrong. Setting the clock 10 minutes FORWARD would give you time. If I had to be at work at 11:30, I would leave at 11. If my wife set the clock forward 10 minutes, I would really be leaving at 10:50 instead of 11, thus giving me more time to get to work.

Setting the clock backwards would result in the exact opposite, which is probably what the movie meant to say.


I was confused by the whole clock thing, too. I do the same thing to my personal clocks-- alarm clock and watch; but no one else's-- to give me more time, as I am notoriously late for everything.

So I knew that he should have had MORE time if she in fact adjusted the clock forward.

Regardless of whether he knew or not-- why/how did he miss the ferry unless she moved the clock BACKWARD, making him late by 10 minutes? He builds 10 min. into his schedule so he gets there in enough time to make the ferry by 8am. He got there AT 8 so they wouldn't let him on. When he does things his way-- leaving everyday at 7:18-- he has enough time. She MUST have moved it backward, so it was REALLY 7:25 (not 7:15) when he looked at the clock before leaving the house.

She MUST have moved the clock BACKWARD (she said forward; but meant backward) so he'd have time to return the videos. She thought that he would have the extra few minutes to return them. Instead, she made it so that he lost 10min.

It's starting to make more sense to me as I'm writing this...

-- I think the misunderstanding between them was part of the whole Chaos theory theme of the movie; think: later, their lack of communication (his trying to explain about the baby, her refusal to listen to his explanation; then later, she tried to talk to him and he wouldn't talk to her-- Buddy, on the night Sandra picks Frank-- Frank asks Buddy if she was with anyone at that party (Teddy? Tommy?)-- what does Buddy say..."it's hard to say..."-- of course it was. He slept with his best friend's girl--I'd say it WOULD be hard for him to say he had been with her. [Also, remember Buddy thinks Frank is going to commit suicide when in fact he bought the gun to kill Buddy].

So, it all comes down to lack of/poor communication and misunderstanding which sets off the string of events...

Does any of this make any sense to you or am I crazy?




Yes, but not knowing about it is the key to actually gaining the 10 minutes. If you knew that the clock was was set ahead 10 minutes, than you wouldn't gain any time; the clock may say 9:30, but you know that it is actually 9:20, so you know you still have 10 minutes. If you DON'T know about the clock change, than that is where you gain the time. The clock says 9:30, so you think it is 9:30, but in reality it is 9:20 so you actually leave 10 minutes before you would have.

The problem here is that she accidentally set it BACK 10 minutes instead. So when he THOUGHT it was 9:15 (the time on the clock behind him), in reality it was 9:25, so he was late. Had she done what she was hoping to do - give him more time - then she would have set it forward. He would have already left at that moment in the movie because he would have seen the clock at 9:18, knew he had to leave, so left, when it was actually 9:08.

It's amazing how many people are having trouble with this...


Even later in the movie when he was talking to Buddy and explaining what she did, he said "She set the clock FORWARD", and Buddy said, "Are you serious? She set the clock FORWARD?" and they talked about it some more, shaking their heads that they couldn't believe she had done that. Which makes no sense whatsoever, because if she did set it forward, it would indeed give him more time. Had she set it backwards, he would have lost time because he would have left later - moving the clock forward would give him more time because he would have left earlier than the time it actually was. So the whole thing makes no sense, and I can't believe that the actors, directors, producers, etc didn't catch on to it.

They can keep raising my posting quota, and I'll keep raising hell



It does make sense, as long as you ignore their slip up in the dialouge between Frank and Buddy. They just said it wrong. She did set it back, not foreward. The answer lies in the clock over his shoulder in the morning :)


WOW! I am amazed at the lack of understanding in telling time! joshuayeary and a few others here have it right. The ONLY way the movie sets off the way it does is if she sets the clock BACK. Clearly, her mistake is a common one if the posts on this thread are any indication :). I really enjoyed this movie, but found it rather unfortunate they botched this line of dialog so badly since it was so central to the story.



or maybe she did set it forward and he missed the ferry because he was driving too slow?


I tried watching this last night and couldn't get past the fact the filmmakers blundered with the whole "she set the clock forward thing". That would have seen him get to the ferry in plenty of time and spared any of the drama that followed.

What a cock-up! Did no one check this movie before release and get the lines re-recorded? Obviously not.



I can't believe there has been 3 pages of posts on here when it's common sense, he's saying it as the way she meant it. He knows she set it backwards, she DID set it backwards, but her intention was to set it forwards. That is what he states!

She set the clock forwards giving me ten minutes only she lost me ten minutes.

It's a sentence in which he stated her intention rather than her act. My god, do any of you people ever converse in life with other folks, or just type on message boards all day? In a real life situation where it might have happened to me I would have said the exact same sentence, ergo it is not a goof.

Christ, people.

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground, try this sig with spinach!


All these smart people on here and no one reads the Fun Facts : Goofs ?

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: We hear Susan state that she put the clocks forward by 10 minutes. Frank gets angry with her because it makes him late for his presentation. It may seem as though Frank has made a mistake - as putting the clocks forward by 10 minutes would in fact make him early - but Frank realises that Susan put the clocks backwards by mistake.


Thank you, johngrey-2 :) I rest my case!

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground, try this sig with spinach!


How about the goof of missing the clock goof completely and pretending it's not goof to hide the fact you don't know the effect of putting a clock forward or backward.

Imagine what you want to make sense of this poor film, but those of us who listened to the lines as the actors read them know what we saw.


Just saw this film (love Netflix on the Wii) and almost didn't stick with it because of how long it took to set up the story.

"I Love Lucy" did a whole show based on this premise. Lucy was always running late, Ricky was pissed, they were invited to Ricky's boss's house for dinner and Lucy set the clocks BACK one hour in order to give herself more time to get ready.

Which of course had the opposite effect, they were an hour late, the boss had already finished dinner and Lucy got her mouth stuck trying to eat a wax apple.
