at the end

was the three of them standing at the end supposed to show that jessie knows buddy is her biological father??


I was wondering that too.

Like, when Frank and Jessie were walking at the end, she calls Frank "Daddy"..... so I am unsure about how she feels about Frank being her father, or if they even told her about buddy.....

I ponder that too when I watch this movie.

So I have no answer, but I raise the same question.....


Ryan Reynolds returning to the cabin that night when he planned not to was the proof of his love transcending beyond those biological crap. Even his wife points it out that HE was the father just by how he was to Jessie. He couldn't stop being the father just because technically he is sterile.

In the end, I suspect that Jessie knows about the story and that she already knows him as her father and it didn't matter. They were all ok about it I guess.

were all alone now.. i need something to sing about..


It's left where you don't really no if she was ever told about buddy, but my guess would be yes. From his heartfelt plead to the wife that he was interested in the child. But i am sure Frank raised her as the true father in the sense of the word, and since it appeared that he and the wife made up and that she had been with the husband and not Buddy thru the years she was more of him raising her and Buddy being there for her as he promised he would be. On another note, I would have not left Buddy and the wife alone for a minute....LOL


This was something like 15 years later and buddy is still around [still without his own woman LOL]so I would assume she knows the truth by that time.
