How is this a comedy?

Napoleon Dynamite is a comedy, I laughed most of that movie.
Henry Poole Is Here had humorous moments where you can laugh, but it can be a drama at almost the same time.
Even The Bucket List is a comedy for the most part.
I almost felt guilty laughing when I watched Very Bad Things.
Hell, I'll even go so far as to admit that after seeing Fargo a few times I started to find it hilarious, and I KNOW that one is not a comedy!

So I DO HAVE a broad sense of humor.

But THIS movie is too serious. There's nothing funny about it, I could't laugh at anything in it. I'm not sure what scenes were meant to be funny, it would need a laugh track just to tell me that. It's too awkward, uncomfortable and deals with very real-life subjects to be funny at all. At best, it might make you smile, maybe towards the end.

The swim class for adults is like a metaphor of the characters' relationships. They're all insecure and afraid, so they've avoided the water for most of their lives, (or really facing and dealing with other people), and end up lonely and depressed, cut-off from friends and family and having a life.

That to me is very sad. They're sad people, I felt sorry for them. I guess I didn't get it.

I'd like to know who could call this movie a comedy. What scenes did you find funny?


-"But you know what's on my mind right now? It AIN'T the coffee in my kitchen..."


The film does use learning to swim as a metaphor for overcoming problems in life but I think your view is a little simplistic. The film doesn't suggest any kind of link between not swimming and depression/unhappiness. The class's teacher is the most depressed character in the film and he's an excellent swimmer. Several other members of the class seem to be perfectly functioning members of society, they just never learned to swim.

I laughed at a few moments in the film, usually with the younger brother and friend making the documentary. But yeah, it's not really a comedy.
