MovieChat Forums > What About Brian (2006) Discussion > Did they wrap up the series?

Did they wrap up the series?

Or were some storylines left unsolved?


Last episode ended in a cliffhanger, with Brian paying a visit to Laura.

Ben Grimm forever!



It was the typical "cancelled-ending".

Something big happened
- Double D got a vow-renewal.

Some storylines had a weak wrap-up
- Adam and Nat's FwB-status took an exclusive turn.
- Brian showing up at Laura's.

And some were unresolved
- The only one I can think of right now is that Nicole seemed to have some feelings for Adam (could've been the protective "sister" talking, though).

...and, of course a desire to see more.



Yeah, Dana Stevens talks about the "what if" of a season three on the series' DVD release...


Ive watched the entire series again this last two weeks, what about brian is brilliant!!!

The ending was rushed but i love it, i thought it was a great ending! The fact he went over to laura's is brilliant. Laura was the best girl out of all the girls brian got with!

Great series, im glad it hasnt been given another series, its quality now because it hasnt been warn out like other usa shows ive seen.

Never got bored, some great stories. Quality show!

Series starts asking "what about brian" and im left thinking "what about brian" pure genius.
