
im so sick of getting shows from america getting into them and then i find out they have been cancelled long before they were broadcasted over here why are american networks so triger happy when it comes to sci-fi shows the endings are always rushed and turn out poorly
now lost is brought back for another series when it should have been wrapped up in the third in the end where going to have an X files style finale where nothing is resolved at least farscape ended with a great miniseries where we got the right ending

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so


I live in the US and I hate when a series isn't given a fair chance. I have gotten to the point that I don't want to get too attached to a series during the first season. There was a series that was very short lived, called, The Others and it was from NBC. Just when it got interesting, the network pulled the plug and it wasn't picked up by any other networks.

No one seems to really understand what goes on in some of the writers' heads when they are writing plots. In the late 1970's and early 1980's, there was a series called Dallas, that became very popular. At one point, one of the main characters wanted to leave the show, so they had him killed in a horrible auto accident. After a few seasons, the actor wanted to come back and the way the writers explained his reappearance was that the wife had been dreaming a very long nightmare.... and the audience is left with a feeling of, "are you kidding me?"

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious."


i agree with you guys. it hacks me off that a decent show will get nixed after 1 season but CRAP like desperate housewives continue to live on. Kida' like a really bad slasher film isn't it, where the monster keeps coming back over & over again.


The network guys job isn't to put out good shows. Its to put out shows that get good ratings, so they can sell advertising better. That means that for the most part, the shows that are "successful" are the ones liked by the masses. When you are programming for the lowest common denominator, you wind up getting what you pay for.


Easy answer: Bad script, bad characters, bad acting,... you want more?



I live in The Netherlands, and a year and a half ago we were surprised by Veronica network with the series Invasion. Due to holidays I missed a big part (2 episodes were aired every week), so I never got the chance of seeing the rest of the show, but it probably is a cancelled show.

Last fall this tv-network gave us the thrilling series Traveler, which I found out was also a cancelled show (the US network wasn't happy with the story!!! can't you believe that??). And today I watched the first 2 episodes Veronica aired 2 days ago and I was astonished! Scifi/horror! And now I'm reading that this show is also cancelled!

I remember a mid-90s show called "Earth 2" which also just got cancelled! Why are they doing this to great sf-series? Isn't it mainstream enough????
At least they all deserve a proper R2 DVD release.


good thing for inet

got all series in .avi and really sad that it got canned as all other good tv shows

at least Jericho is back so you never know, there might be a small chance for Threshold to continue, but it's as small as a penny.



Reality killed this show,why would anybody enjoy a show about a secret gouverment company with hundreds of people beeing tortured for real by such a company in reallife.About sci-fi in general their is simply no ending,star-trek deep space 9 is still orbitting the same planet and cardassians and dominion are watching it with envy like always,we know that so we dont need to see it again.
