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Thoughts on this episode.

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I wasn't sure a first what was happening but then realized Chuck was trying to break Sam. At one point when Sam talked about hope he looked like he was starting to give it up. At the end Dean (or maybe Sam) said that Chuck was now gone. I don't think so. I felt so sorry for Sam. He's always put people first and when he couldn't throw the item at Chuck you could see the torment. Thought it was a good episode. Loved the kiss between Sam and Eileen.

Additional thoughts
Loved seeing Billie and Jack. It didn't feel right when the Demon took over the body of Jack that somehow it wasn't really true. When we saw them previously Jack was whole, eyes and everything. Now that Michael is back am wondering if we're seeing the start of Team Free Will, Jack, Michael and the guys. And then there's Amara.


I thought the episode was OK. I didn't believe any of "Chuck's future" and I'm actually surprised it broke Sam as we all know Chuck is this prestige liar and can manipulate anything he besides Eileen being forced to hurt Sam, that's all the torture I saw in this episode. This might sound horrible, but I'm disappointed the whole "she's dead" wasn't real, because I cannot stand "that" character.

Chuck's "God" mythology doesn't make much sense to me. Why would he create something that could hurt him and to where is unable to remove it from himself/or the connection with Sam. They keep creating these things in to destroy him and a second later it's gone. The Equalizer gun - gone, and whatever Dean and Cass were doing - destroyed. But, I guess it's quite a build up. I just cant shake this whole, "kill God storyline" is going to work out in the end regardless. So, my expectations for the show and hope it's going to make sense and end respectfully to the show has been lowered way down low. So low that I did enjoy the last 3 episodes - even Last Call where nothing happened. And nothing happened in this episode, not really.

Dean and Cass wait around before they head into Purgatory rift, even though Michael said they had 24 hours. As to why they were sitting around, unless it took place before Michael opened the rift. It just seemed off to me. In Purgatory, I'm surprised they brought back the leviathan's as so many apparently hated that season. We get Dean knocked out and separated from Cass and when he finally finds him with seconds to spare, Cass talks about how he got away and I thought, gee. Would've been great to see THAT. Disappointing.

The ending with Billie and Jack was .... pointless, because it was long overdue and it wont be resolved for another 2 weeks.


I enjoyed it. I still hope we find out that chuck is really just a powerful Godlike being and not really the creater of everything. Because you never know when we may want to see a reunion show and taking out God kinda ruins that....


I didn’t care for it. I especially hated Deans prayer to Cas. Doesn’t know why he’s angry? Has always been? I think both Winchesters can lay claim to that and rightfully so especially when it comes to Cas and his colossally stupid moves over all the years. Have Dean forgive Cas that’s all fine and good but this crap about being wrong and having to apologize for feeling what he felt? Crap writing. Out of character. Strangely worded. There are so many people stating that it was just odd that you have to wonder did Berens write it that way for a reason? Surely he couldn’t be that ignorant over Dean and his character. Sobbing in the woods over Cas? Sam is stuck with Chuck in unknown danger and he cries over Cas and his little hissy fit.

I so hope they permanently kill off Cas. And soon.
