
I love the movie frailty from 2001.

After watching it many times I have wondered if it inspired Supernatural, a show I absolutely love.

What do you think?

If you haven't watched the movie, you have to check it out.


Apart from the father and sons trio, I don't see the similarity.


Did you watch the film?

The father is in touch with angels and becomes a monster hunter. This son follows in his footsteps and does the same while posing as a law officer.

One brother is really into it, Dean, the other isn't very much and is possessed by a demon.

That's exactly what happened on Supernatural.


Not really. The Meiks' in the movie, despite their angelic connection, are psychos. The only fairly normal one was Fenton, who, watching his father killing people, became a serial killer himself.

Sam had a falling out with his father and wanted a normal life, but was in favor of the work they did, believed in it and was good at it. Plus, he loved his father and brother.


The movie clearly shows that the aren't serial killers and their ability to touch people and see their sins is real.

You haven't watched the film.


Great show!
