MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > Is Supernatural ending after season 14?

Is Supernatural ending after season 14?

We weigh up the evidence.

I hate it when they scare monger us like this all the time without any real hard evidence. They just seem to be reporting on old news. J2 always said they would carry on if the stories remain solid and they have been. Episodes have been cut short because J2 want to have more quality time with their families, no more no less. Arrrhhh!

Supernatural Blog:


I sincerely hope not. However if they choose not to continue I will accept it. Grudgingly. If would be great if that were to happen then Wayward Sisters would step in to fill the void. I really hope WS does get the go ahead and gets added to the lineup. Jody and even quirky Donna are well up to the task.


Ever since I started to watch Supernatural, I notice every year this question is asked.
I'm always up for more seasons/episodes but when J2 are done, I'm OK with that. And I would think they would announce it as soon as they knew it was ending - wouldn't they? So until we officially here it's ending, it doesn't matter.
I'm not concerned or worried about the show ending (when/if it does) is be more concerned about how they end it, because that can ruin any memory of a show imo.


I so wish we had a like button as I'd tick both comments here. :)


Hi Bella and everyone else, sorry I've been MIA. I'm afraid I spend almost all my online time now being appalled at the state of my country and the world, not to mention dealing with personal family stuff, that I pretty much let fannish things go by the wayside, for the most part. I try and check in here occasionally, but I haven't really been posting on any boards. I don't know if I'll get my groove back, but I'm not gone entirely, just quiet.

As for the question at hand, you know the thing has to end at some point. But I believe when it's the last season the CW will make a big announcement about that. Pedowitz is correct that the show will linger until the Js finally say, 'we're done'. And that may come next year, who knows.

Of course, that could change and 14 could become the last one if the Js' current contracts end this year and at some point in the year they decide not to renew them. But I think these guys would give everyone more of a heads up than that.

I actually hope dropping the episode count is a way to maybe use the brothers more in every episode while adhering to their current half-time contracted schedule by cutting out three episodes and over a month of shooting. We'll see. I certainly don't think less episodes is a bad thing seeing as these showrunners don't have enough story for 3 episodes much less 23.


I hope so, it just gets worse and worse. It's hard to watch this slow death, just put it out of its misery already.
