Women in white

I think supernatural shuld get back to it's roots. Start doing stories like this again. Find a ghost like willow the wisps and center the story around it. Also some new creatures would be nice like chupercabras, bigfoot or even the lockness monster. Switch it up a bit and have them on the high seas.


I do enjoy the old school season 1 urban legend MOTW formula. Would love to see more episodes like those. I don't know about the Loch Ness monster though. Sounds like a job for the overseas BMOLs. They supposedly have a good handle on their territory.

Blog: ▶https://virilemanifestationofthedivine.wordpress.com


Some urban legends/lore things I'd like for them to explore and make scary:

Two face (Double face)
Wampus Cat
Green River Hag, like Peg Powers or Jenny Greenteeth
I'd say a troll or ogre, but they'd probably just do what they did with dragons given their budget restrictions.


I'll also add that until they get rid of the Colt and endless bullets (since Sam can make them), then I think general MotW as we know them are over.


Women in white? You mean she's covered in cum?


No they were ghosts who murdered their children and themselves.

Yeah I like to see more urban legends


What did the children do?
