MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > New writer also wrote 12.12

New writer also wrote 12.12

So .....
Who else is skipping?



Yes the episode was light on Dean but it may have had a very specific goal to bring up the former physic stuff. I think we need a few more episodes to be sure they aren't going to be Dean friendly.

"Take everything you like seriously, except yourselves" Rudyard Kipling


I don't mind checking the boards after an episode airs to see if it's worth watching on the DVR. It's no trouble at all.

I mean who would have ever guessed that the Nepotism Duo would be who we'd have to look to for anything decent for Dean. Guess they had to give his episodes to someone.  According to the tweets 12.12 is a Cas-centric ep.


Yes the episode was light on Dean but it may have had a very specific goal to bring up the former physic stuff. I think we need a few more episodes to be sure they aren't going to be Dean friendly.

Finally someone with some common sense! 


Nah not me I liked his first episode a lot.


Ditto!! And I never skip episodes the first time around. Even missing one single line could be significant to the plot line overall.

Hot guys + dark subject matter + plenty of violence = watchable television.


I certainly will not be watching it live.

Chuck on Dean- Firewall between light and Dark
Rob on Jensen- The man is a gift to tv


No way am I skipping. I loved Davy's first episode. I'm really looking forward to his next one.

You're my brother and I'm here to take you home


No way am I skipping. I loved Davy's first episode. I'm really looking forward to his next one.

I thought Davy did a good job too. There have been plenty of Sam lite episodes in the past. I remember one where Sam was onscreen for 30 seconds. There's really no reason to assume all Davy episodes will be Dean lite.


+ 1

"Everybody creates what they fear most."


I'm hoping this is the one where Jensen is gone entirely, then it's a no-brainer skip. Since I normally dvr and FF through - still kicking myself for not doing that last night - live viewing won't happen anyway. And if Dean still shows up in this episode, I'm going to have to hear emphatically that this guy did a complete 180 turn-around from his initial douchiness toward Dean before I bother to even FF through.


Well not watching live which is the mistake I made this time.

Will do what I normally do which is check out some of the Dean-friendly sites and see the response before I decide to watch. At least then I can FF through the parts I don't like.


Would you mind pointing me to some Dean-friendly sites? I'm always in need of those.


I'll not be watching it live either.
I just hope that this time around he does Jensen/ Dean justice, if he is in it at all.

