
For some reason, Pepper inspired me. Last year, I was watching this show and I was wondering what I should be when I grew up. I figured out while I was watching this show-- Journalist. I've always loved writing, so journalism would be easy for me. There are a bunch of other reasons, also, but I don't feel like typing them all out. I just thought I'd share that nice, heartwarming story.

Like a bat outta Hades- you can color me Gone!


thats really cool. we all get our inspiration from differnt places. im in journalism, which is uncommon for a 9th grader, but make sure not to give up. and try to go out for you highschools paper.


Pfft. If we had one, I'd be going out for it. Yeah. Pretty sad that we don't have a paper.

Memo to me, memo to me: maim you after my meeting
