Out Of Practice Bumped

According to CBS, it is moving "The Amazing Race" to Wednesdays at 8pm, bumping "Out of Practice" and "Courting Alex". It said that they were unsure of the future of both sitcoms. "Amazing Race" will premiere in that time slot next week, so was last night the possible end?


Forgive me, but I'm going to rant. I am so tired of the mediocrity that has become television. If you're stupid, there's every t.v. show available to you (Two and a Half Men/Everybody Loves Raymond). God forbid you should have a brain in your head and enjoy a witty show like "Out of Practice" because your hopes will be dashed. The show is consistently funny (unlike "Courting Alex) every week. Why do I have to have my brain fried by "The Amazing Race"? Why can't I have a funny show to watch and enjoy? Why hasn't CBS advertised the show coming back? I haven't seen one commercial for it, but I've seen dozens for other ones. Enough is enough! I want my "Out of Practice" and I'm willing to write letters to CBS until my arm falls off. I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore! Who's with me?


I think you'd have a better chance of your arm falling off than CBS actually listening to you and other viewers..It's all about $$$, and reality shows rake it in because too many people go for mindless garbage vs. humor/drama that entails a little intelligence. As long as the majority of people watch crap and the bigwigs make their money, then crap will be on tv.
Just my opinion...


I'm sick of being treated like an idiot. I have money. My friends have money. Try putting something on t.v. that we'll watch and we'll probably spend our money on products being advertised on shows that we watch. I can't take this anymore. I don't want to watch faux reality/talentless shows. I want to watch shows that make me laugh or think. People reading this probably think I'm out of my mind, but this is the final straw for me. The one thing I look forward to viewing is being taken off in lieu of something stupid. We shouldn't cede one more ounce of our intelligence to these people.


The other factor is that reality tv is cheap to produce. If they get the same audience for a reality show and a staged show they make more money on the reality show. I hate that CBS only gave the show a short time, but they want hits right away.

By the way Seinfeld was not a hit right away and neither was Friends. They turned out all right.


I'm with you! I'm rallying all the fans together to write to CBS!


There's no pressure out there for anyone to do this. However, if you're sick of being screwed out of good tv shows, here's a list of contacts to save "Out of Practice:

CBS Television
51 West 52nd Street
New York, NY 10019
Main Number:(212) 975-4321

CBS Paramount Television
5555 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90038

Call or write. Let your voice be heard!





As of right now, it looks like the show is in the same boat as Courting Alex; It's in "tv limbo", but may soon be on the "chopping block".

I heard on the radio that and Courting Alex was replaced with The Amazing Race, due to low ratings. What sucks, is they're giving it very little of a chance to fail on Wednesday nights; The network's plan seems to be is to air just one episode; Give very little publicity for the episode's airing; Then if it gets low ratings, as it seems like they're hoping for, then they can say, due to low ratings, we sill have to go with something else and we'll have to yank Out of Practice off that time slot and replace it with The Amazing Race.

it's like CBS designed it to fail.


Rebecca Budig's fan club sent an email out to all of it's memebers today saying:

Out of Practice has been cancelled and Rebecca's episode will not air.
Please check back to her website for more details on upcoming


I truly hate CBS!


Rebecca Budig's fan club is WRONG WRONG WRONG! The show has NOT been cancelled. Yet. I checked on Christopher Gorham's fan site and it's telling people to write to CBS. They don't announce their new fall schedule for a few more weeks so there's still time. WRITE IN!


I posted this on outofpractice.org regarding the cancellation, but it fits well here too - in reference to a post from "paula marshall"

... I don't know if that was actually Paula posting, but I have it from a production source on the show (who would know such matters, but I'm not at liberty to say who because I'm not sure if this is information for public consumption), that the fate of the show is still up in the air, and they don't know for sure if cancellation is imminent or if they will in fact return to the schedule at a later date.

Essentially, all this means to fans of the show is that it's time to crank up the letter writing campaign and make sure that CBS can't ignore the fan base.

I'm a fan of the amazing race, and I'd like it to get decent ratings so it can stay on the air, but CBS has taken a show in OOP that was steadily increasing viewership weekly and bumped it off the schedule for three months already - now bumping it again is a surefire way to turn it into Futurama - another show that had a dedicated core fanbase, and was gathering speed before the schedule started changing at random.

Again, write the letters, write the emails, and impress upon CBS that there is a market for smart, well-written comedy, and that we as viewers are inclined to take our viewership (and in turn, their advertising dollars) elsewhere if they insist on pulling the good shows in favor of vapid crap that appeals to the lowest common denominator.


If you write, make sure that letter goes to the attention of the Director of Programming, so it gioes to the right individual.

The same goes for making the call. Ask to speak to the same person. It may be better though to write, rather than call.
