MovieChat Forums > How I Met Your Mother (2005) Discussion > Is Ted Mosby the best TV character ever?

Is Ted Mosby the best TV character ever?

Personally I've never been able to relate to a character as much as I have with Ted. In the sense of just wanting to find that one person you want to spend your life with and doing the most ridiculous things because you think they may be it.

It's funny I go around saying I'm just like Ted. All my friends argue that they are like Ted. Which made me realize how relatable this character really is, where most people can watch this and relate to the character in some form.

While HIMYM isn't my favorite show ever, but it is one of them. I think Ted is my favorite character ever to be on a TV show just because his character felt so real at times. The show got a little stupid at times, I enjoyed the serious moments more. A good example is in the final seasons the episode called "The Time Travelers" that's one of my favorites.


I find him to be the exact opposite. He's intolerable. If you and your friends are really like Ted, seems like a pretty bad self absorbed group of people. But I doubt you're actually like Ted.


What makes you say that?


Good god, no. I don't dislike him as much as most HIMYM viewers, but he still annoyed the crap out of me sometimes.


I don't see all the hate towards him. He's amazing, the ideal eyes to see the story from. I relate to him too!


I also love Ted. I don't understand all the hate he gets. I always say I would totally marry Ted haha.

I will say in the last couple seasons they sometimes made him over-the-top nerdy/desperate, which I didn't like. But I blame the writers, not Ted. Ha.


That is true they made him too nerdy towards the end, but I'm just referring to the romance aspects of the character


He is my least favorite character. Honestly, by the end, I didn't even care about him anymore. And then the crappy ending. Ugh.


He is the WORST character ever. An entitled Nice Guy who's never pointed out by the series. Terrible.


No. How can someone relate to a whiny man who keeps wanting to find "the one" and telling his kids about all his conquests etc (is that necessary really). A user who stole a woman from her husband and then dumped her in the laziest way possible because Barney lost a job he was also lazy at. I don't like any of the characters actually since they all lie to help Barney get women in bed and none of them are trustworthy. I wouldn't want to be friends with any of them. All the women who dump "poor Ted" are made out to be horrible people even though he dumps a woman pretty much every episode and tells his kids about it. You'd think he would know what love is by the time he met Zoey whom he told he loved her even though he realised he only wanted her for her lady bits (with the help of sex offender Barney and one of his disgusting stories about using a woman for the same). Big puppy dog eyes and a whiny voice don't make a good central character.


Ted's character is problematic in a lot of ways, but I would agree that that is probably what makes him relatable. He's a stupid 20-something doing stupid things while he finally matures to the point that he can have a real relationship. He was not my favorite in the show, but I didn't hate him. He does get called out on his crap quite a bit by his friends, actually.


I like Ted but I also hate him. He comes out as a massive, irresponsible hypocrite at times. He's insecure about his relationships and whines about everything.
