
This is on in Australia at 11:30AM.


yeah im watching it right now lol....and its really crap


I dunno, I just saw it too and liked it. There were a few funny things and a few silly things. It was funny and sad too.


that cat jumping inside the box made me laugh lol. yeah it prob isnt that bad, i guess its easy to be critical of new shows without giving them a real chance.


Yeah. That cat thing was funny, and when the dog killed it LOL.


Because daytime shows are so F-ing boring I was surprised that this show was soooo funny. It sh!ts all over most comedies on free-to-air TV in Australia. What are the funniest shows on TV right now? Certainly not Wedgedale


oh the wedge is the crapest show on tv..not even remotely funny, i cant believe it hasnt even been axed yet...the best comedy in australia is that comedy sketch show that comes on at about 10:30pm its hilarious! the adventures of blokeman and metrosexual man etc.
