Best episode

Everybody hates Doc. When he was feeding the bums like they were pigeons had me dying laughing.


Everybody hates lasagne, chain snatching, and fake Ids


Its the one epsiode where they do an imitation of The Cosby show and Chris get permission form Jenise Huxatble parents who is Cliff and Claire. The guy (I forget his name) he played a great Bill Cosby....anyways, I love when he say to Chris "are youuuu a crack baby?".


Orlando Jones. I like the episode too.


The best episode to me was "The Babysitter". That episode have me doubled over in tears laughing everytime I watch it!

Chris -No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! She left us to go get a baby. But then when she came back, she burnt your chicken, So then, this guy came to the door asking for the baby. He said his name was Mario and he was the baby's father. So then when he left, she came back, and the baby wasn't here. So then, she went to go get the baby back. Her mother came to the door looking for her and the baby. So then they had a big fight about where to live. She said she'd live at Mario's house. WHO IS MARIO? So then when she came back, she started braiding Tonya's hair. Drew got to watch the game. You guys came back. She's trying to make it look like everything was all peachy and fine. It's not!

[Chris plops down on the couch]

Julius Rock: I told we should have let Chris baby-sit. Girl, give me my money back.

Rochelle Rock: I'm gonna kick her ass. Hold my wig.

Everybody hates Chris............



That's is absolutely my FAVORITE episode lmaaaao


 I agree!

MULDER: You know, for a holy man, you've got quite a knack for pissing people off.


If I could choose only one, it has to be "Everybody Hates Fat Mike." That one is just too hilarious. Especially the part where the kids talk about the stuff that Julius did for them throughout the day, and Rochelle just sits there like, *beep* the world."



When Julius was working at the fish market!!!!


I love this show and these episodes in particular: Everybody hates eggs (when Ms Morello gives him a brown egg and makes him a single father because she thinks he "can relate", Everybody hates food stamps, Everybody hates Easter.


Everybody Hates Food Stamps.

Because I can completely relate with that episode. Living on food stamps around the early-mid 80s in brooklyn. And also the buying of generic, no name brand food products with the bland packaging.

