Julius money saving habits?

Even thugh Julius was good at saving money and managed his best to strech it out but I do wonder if he was being cheap or was he just being sensible by not squandering it.



I think it was more than a saving habit. His "cheapness" was hilarious.
"That's 46 cents worth of beans and rice"


it pissed me off when she bitched about his job at the fish market,


iron_bodyguard..I don't blame Rochelle for being pissed about the fish market job. Have you ever been in a fish market?


yep, I work in an abattoir, so I come back sticking, but he got to work less and he made more money, plus working at night had a direct effect on his health and it takes years off your life


It seems like he's the kind of character that is portrayed as rarely being home and working multiple jobs. However, he is also very frugal and the family seems to live well within their means normally, so it made me curious.


He worked really hard and he didn't really make alot so he didn't like things going to waste
