Review: 3 stars of 5

From my TV Web page:

Heather Graham is one of the cutest barely competent actors around. While she's lovely to look at, her comic timing sucks and she's simply not convincing as anything. Despite that, as "Sex and the City" wannabes go, this one's fine. It moves fast and has some fun sub-plots, and Graham's dating disaster character has interesting friends. Also, as a guy, I can't help but wonder if some of the reasons she comes up with for not dating certain guys, dumb as they are, are rooted in reality. If so, it would explain some of my past issues with women. So for future reference, maybe I should pay more attention to stuff like this. Beyond that, the silly narration needs to go; it's not cute or useful enough to be justified. Give Heather some acting lessons and this could go somewhere.

Weird is good; normal is boring.
